Good review, Ryan, and a very tempting investment, as my eyes are not too great and I find the most important factor is the resolution so I can see what is a kill zone and what is just pellet marks. I am also red-green colour blind so every little helps! I hope to have a peek through the Leup sometime soon, if that's alright with you. I spoke to Pete about obtaining one but at the Leup price, I need to look through one first and be sure that I can get on with the ret! Hopefully, I will come up to Kibworth on the 26th but I cant confirm yet. I had a Falcon Menace with a 0.5 mildot ret for a few days, but couldnt get on with the ret or the slightly soft resolution, compared to the EB Sniper res (best) or MTC(very close 2nd). The SCB ret is still my favourite by far!!!! Plenty of aim points, easy to see against dark backgrounds, (you can even light it up!)but not too cluttered. Don't like the EB mildots, but like the DOF and optical resolution. Would really love a Premium Super Viper in 10x42 or 40 with AAA++ (Leup level) grade lens for greater res and more DOF as you cant beat MTC for customer service and sensible prices!