To be fair to John Lloyd, chair ( I thinK still?) of the NSRA air and other related stuff Committee, he will agree, and he is/was one of the drivers behind bringing supported to the UK. I have no interest in it but I think its a great event both in rifle and pistol.

I agree nothing performed to the top level is easy, I have no knowledge of small bore and air bench rest other than having seen it and know its different, centre fire cartridge bench rest which is where it all emanated is much more about the technical aspect of the equipment, i.e. making the rifle and the ammunition shoot accurately. Much of the technical advances in rifles have come from that sport in the US, I benefit from that, my wife and I shoot ISSF 300 mt and we use the 6 mmBR calibre developed by BR shooters, low recoil, and its accuracy is astounding, a big step above the best small bore, and only matched by the best air pellets, but not at 300 metres!

Yes I may be now permitted to sit under Rested rules, my main sport now is prone rifle with small bore and full bore, I use a timer, many think its to use the allowed time effectively, but actually its an alarm clock in case I nod off!

Have fun