Quote Originally Posted by Barryg View Post
LOL you must have Religion on the brain, what Religion is pushing it anyway Shaolin monks and the guy you are talking about was an ex-gangster and his only motivation is simply exposing Exstream cruelty and if the film was wrong and without solid evidence Amazon would be sued.

If you don't care about cruelty, I don't suppose you care about humane hunting either.

Just to remind anyone looking in check the link and compare the cruelty with hunting. ( Aldi should put the link on the bacon and let the public decide for themselves )

Unfortunately bud life is cruel. Peadofiles walking the streets, Old people getting robbed and mistreated, People starving in Africa, Theres a war over the water and lots of civilians getting killed, Plenty of other animals getting mistreated and killed. Not happy about it myself but I try and put it to the back of my head . I do care actually about cruelty, But giving up sausage and bacon ain't going to change anything, Watch them seals getting beat with baseball bats, Its happening everywhere bud,Not just with pigs, Just to clarify, Some religions dont eat pigs. They dont like others eating either,