Quote Originally Posted by MikeHW45 View Post
Sorry mate, I didn't realise you had a little'un that was ill. It looks like you done some amazing trips and as you say, get things straight and start again
Cheers, Mike.

Yep, our Frankie has been ill for five years. Lots of weird symptoms in the early days. School were absolute twats for ages. She went from hobbling around to crutches to a wheel chair. Got bullied by the other kids and one of the teachers. We ended up being able to get her pulled out of that school in the end. Then, even at the new school, they'd give us a hard time re unauthorised absences etc and kept saying they needed a diagnosis. Which they got last August.....Ovarian cancer and removal of a 7lbs+ tumour. Operation was a total success, thank God. Cancer markers then came down pretty swiftly, but proteins in blood and auto-immune readings remained sky-high for ages. Lots of visits as follow up. Then, two weeks ago, we got the good news that the proteins in blood and auto-immune are showing as normal, and they'll continue to monitor. She did go back to school briefly, but we had to pull her out again recently due to all the kids being quite nasty and not even the teachers talking to her / asking how she's doing. She doesn't "do people" and is very withdrawn most of the time and we have home tutors. A lot of barriers to knock down and quite a lot of historical psychological damage to undo.

But at least she's clear of the bastard cancer and we're slowly on the way up.