Just been reading another thread and Steff mentioned that she has shot wasps

Reminded me of an incident I had the other week!
I had returned home from the range and was preparing a nice Cajun meal for the wife & kids.

I heard my daughters boyfiend squeal and looked towards the door where he was stood outside.

A rather large wasp had buzzed his face and had come into the house and into the kitchen. The bloody thing was heading straight for me
Both the kitchen windows were open and I moved to the far side of the kitchen hoping that this yellow peril would fly out one of the windows and I could get back to cooking.
NO WAY the thing followed me!!!!! so I ducked and moved to the other side of the kitchen again.
Now I have a habbit of getting stung on the back of the neck (4 times) by wasps and twice (in the belly button when I was a kid at Butlins Skeggy) by bee's.
This ruddy wasp turned and came back at me again. For #### sake this thing is determined to do me harm
On the table was my pistol case from my day at the range.
I grabbed my CP99 slammed in the co2 clip (knowing there was still a mag the chamber)but no pellets. I pulled the slide back pointed it at the darn wasp and pulled the trigger hoping that the gas and pressure release would maybe deter the little beast from comming near me again
Good job no pellet in the mag.
The wasp exploded bits and gunk went all over the window, the ceiling and the sink.
It was "AWSOME" according to Scott who came in.
My darling wife Lesley was not so impressed and made me wash the window, sink and clean the ceiling
What a shot bet I couldn't do that again.