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Thread: Falcon optics

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Falcon optics

    Best scope built. I have had many many many sights and the falcon blows everything out of the water with the crystal clear glass, first focal plain and such a robust looking scope. I have owned falcon for around 8 years. I have tried others on other rifles but the falcon simply has the best eye relief out of other models. Can not fault them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Monmouth, Land of Wales.
    Which model is it, mate?

    I recently had a go with an M18 FFP. Very nice it was too. Very clear.

    Ret' was too fine for me at low mag', but I liked it a lot at 12X and over, which is where I'd likely be using it.

    I could be tempted to buy an M18 myself, but in all honesty, if I was putting my money down today, I'm not sure if it'd be going on the FFP or SFP - as both have their advantages...

    I have a silver T50 myself, as my FT scope - which is also a good piece of kit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Rickenbacker View Post
    Which model is it, mate?

    I recently had a go with an M18 FFP. Very nice it was too. Very clear.

    Ret' was too fine for me at low mag', but I liked it a lot at 12X and over, which is where I'd likely be using it.

    I could be tempted to buy an M18 myself, but in all honesty, if I was putting my money down today, I'm not sure if it'd be going on the FFP or SFP - as both have their advantages...

    I have a silver T50 myself, as my FT scope - which is also a good piece of kit.
    Well I'm a hunter myself, have been through my target days so it's actully up for sale. It's a b20 skeleton reticle 4-14x44 the rest of the info is on the box that I can't remember. Anyone that has a bit of sense will try one and probably won't go back. I remember the rave about eb snipers but I ended up shooting the glass out lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    NR Doncaster
    I agree ...i have 5 of old Merlin x3 Menaces a
    S30 FFP and the T50.
    Bombproof, reliable all weather optics.
    I have used the first two for over 10yrs and added to over the years.
    Still tight on the controls and hold zero for years.
    Plus if your gun fails you can also use them as a club..
    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" -- Benjamin Franklin

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGreengrass View Post
    I agree ...i have 5 of old Merlin x3 Menaces a
    S30 FFP and the T50.
    Bombproof, reliable all weather optics.
    I have used the first two for over 10yrs and added to over the years.
    Still tight on the controls and hold zero for years.
    Plus if your gun fails you can also use them as a club..
    Trouble is finding the B20 reticle menace for sale 😂 been after another for ages

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Lima, PERU

    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye20 View Post
    Trouble is finding the B20 reticle menace for sale 😂 been after another for ages
    the B20 reticle is almost the same as the B24i reticle, as found in the Falcon S18i, that spans six-times power, being 3-18x50.

    The B24 is here:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    True FFP retical!

    Falcon Optics is a UK Rifle Scope manufacturer. They are quite unheard of in the US. But this appears to be a great thing. I believe this is keeping their products reasonably priced. We are all well aware of products that command a premium price simply because of the brand name.

    It is really worth the budget comparing to other mid-range scopes

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Falcon sell direct on the bay of e. so worth looking there for specific versions at good prices.
    top class scopes, have them on a couple of springers and one pcp.
    I recently added an M18+ with B28 FFP ret in MRAD that's destined for a .22LR

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    There has been a massive movement in the last couple of years to ffp scopes , so much so falcon dont offer their m18 models in sfp anymore even though they are still advertised on their web site which is a great shame , i have one m18 sfp left now after having three but sold them as i sold the guns they were on , they are an excellent scope for the money , a british company but the scopes are made in china , but then again isnt everything

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i like the falcon scopes

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Lima, PERU
    I've been using the S18i 3-18x50 FFP for a couple of years now.

    For an FFP, this is a good reticle because it has thick outside posts that guide the eye toward the intersection of the crosshairs — so shooting at low magnification is fine.

    The turrets are 10mil per revolution — that's a feature that only much higher priced scopes offer — and UK's own Hawke hasn't managed to achieve that even in their most expensive models.

    They have a turret revolution counter, nice.

    I am a turret dialer, and I just hit a pigeon at 94 meters, just dialing what Strelok told me to.... It must track good!

    The very wide field of view of this scope (39-7ft @100y) — even while offering a high 18x magnification at the top end is a great combination for an allround scope.

    At the price this scope is offered, an awesome deal.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    Got a falcon T50 and an X50 both good scopes but the X is definitely worth the extra money used fo field target

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2023

    Falcon T50

    Quote Originally Posted by Ianv3 View Post
    Got a falcon T50 and an X50 both good scopes but the X is definitely worth the extra money used fo field target
    I recently tried out a friends Falcon T50 and was very impressed by how well it could range find and to be hones its better than my Hawke i use for FT even thought is 50x zoom its not as clear as the Falcon. It just goes to show you shouldn't listen to all the chatter down the range but go and try yourself as im now looking at getting one for my next purchse.

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