Space in inbox now, Pete.

If your Brocock holds a special place in your heart, Pete, maybe worth pursuing other options.

My Gamo, however, will only be getting tweaked on a budget in keeping with its overall demeanor. It does actually impress in quite a few areas and doesn't seem pellet fussy and it's clobbered the 75 yards Quigley Bucket at The Bash a fair few times. Firing cycle, as previously mentioned, is very mild.

Quickie question, if you know.....if fitting a piston sleeve, can it come to the back of the piston or would this interfere with the sear notch? I'm sure this has been asked on the forum in the past, but can't remember the outcome.

If the finish on the standard guide is good, as per above, I'll most likely just go down the suitable spring and top hat route.