Thanks Edbear,

It is very interesting to find out about the variations in the rules between the different leagues and this adds to the interest as the rules can be "adapted" to local requirements.

The thought did cross my mind that it would be good to have some sort of ruling to seperate the springers or early type SSP from the full match PCP rifles as they would seem to give a clear advantage over the "basic" ( non match PCP) rifle.

I am sure a good shooter with a" basic" or early type target rifle can score higher than a poor shooter with a top match rifle - but most are neither a top shot or a bad shot and so a clear advantage over 6 yards ( or 7 yards) would seem to be in favour of the competitor with the better equipment.

My first priority is to get a bell target, and to promote the idea to encourage as many people as possible to have a go in our area, but once it is established and we have some experience to refer to I would like to look at any advantages that may be seen between the types of rifle used and see if there is any support to sub-divide or even ban certain types.

To start with I think I need to allow any .177 rifle that is within the legal power limit and see how we get on. I never considered the type of pellet - I just assumed the regular flat nosed target pellets would be the natural choice.

The thought of having a "vintage" match is very appealing and may be something we can look foward to in the future.