Quote Originally Posted by Marc.RG1 View Post
For me I think the pistols are a bit rubbish and disappointing if I'm honest, they are just Px4 storms with a sig body, the plastic rotor mags and trigger indexing is a big let down.. I do quite like the look of the rifles though so I will save my judgement on those until I shoot one..
ATB, Marc..
Have you tried one? I'm guessing not. I heard the same thing about the ASG CZ P09...along with a lot of codswallop from people who had never actually tried one out. Guess what? The trigger was way better than a PX4, gun more positive and accurate with a smooth slide action, plus you could fit and modify a moddy on it for quieter shooting. The 226 is all metal as I understand it, the piercing arrangement very positive (and new) and it has a 1/2" UNF thread built in. I wouldn't write these off without a personal tryout TBH.