Quote Originally Posted by JerryD View Post
Worst one we got at the club was clearing 9 pellets out of a Brocock rifle barrel - which is pretty amazing, considering they only have a 6-shot mag!

I have also watched a guy with a multishot cock and load the rifle, and then rest the muzzle on his foot. When challenged he swore the rifle was unloaded and safe, Got the shock of his life when I asked him to point over the line and pull the trigger.

In a club environment there's no place for them: even with a rule to remove the mag before leaving the firing line there is still the doubt whether the rifle has been loaded or not before taking out the mag. I know of one club that bans multishot magazines altogether - single shot adapters only..
Having never shot a civi club range, don't they have a range controler to clear all shooters/rifles before they leave the fireing point