Quote Originally Posted by Rickenbacker View Post
For two pins, I'd dust of my own '66 and do a last-minute (almost drive-by), MPL season.

My perspex sight is a whopping 4.6mm. That's the biggest 'beginner's element' I have.
I will send you THREE pins with your MPL entry pack if you can get your entry in to me tonight so I can post your entry pack to you tomorrow morning to arrive in time for the weekend.

I have just shot my July cards this morning - I am not a good rifle shooter but I want to boost the numbers to give this competition the support it deserves.

Shooting a total of 36 cards between now and the end of the year is not such a problem so get that Model 66 dusted off and give it a go

4.6 - 5.0 is the size of element I am thinking would work well on those big black dots so I can see more of them as they fly past me every few mili-seconds - it would give me more of a chance to stab at the trigger as they fly past

You are thinking about doing some "drive by" shooting - I am already doing some "fly-by shooting!!