Quote Originally Posted by Globalstar66 View Post
I'm the importer of these rifles into South Africa, and also received the first one last week.

I would agree with all that JIMMER said - cocking lever very stiff still, but the ons I handled at the IWA show in Germany in March, had been used a bit, and was very easy to cock, so I'm sure with time it will get a little smoother.

One thing to remember though, this is an ENTRY-LEVEL rifle and is not supposed to compete head-on with the Walther Dominators, Steyr LG110's, EV2's and GP's.

It was designed for starters up to "mid-level" shooters. At the price, it's really well placed and affordable option to get into the sport.


That's not to say that it can well keep with the "Big Guns" at any competition in the right hands.A good tuned AA400 will cost about the same and they can really hold their own.The only reason the likes of Styer-Walther and the like charge so much is because they can.