Quote Originally Posted by Jimny4x4 View Post
Politicians - they all look the same to me .
You are correct of course Show your age :


I love all AIR-WEAPONS , BIG AORWPONS AND SMALL AURWAPINS ....sorry I just had to got round somebody's idea of blanket banning the word a.i.r.w.e.a.p.o.n. on this forum .

The Law is very clear on the matter .

Despite all the gassing over sensibilities , try and argue any of these fanciful day dream ideas with a POLICE OFFICER .
Nobody cares a monkeys about us , our lost in the mists of childhood ideas of collecting and using airguns ... an airgun is an A.I.R.W.E.A.P.O.N. to the only people that matter these days ( the ones that can handcuff / tazer/ gas you ) ....The Law .

You won't win any argument to the contrary with them .
Calm down, chill , relax,
Hello again, I've only been on this forum for about a week, & am feeling really guilty about stirrings things up ! I can't sleep at night! please help? When I read the rules/introduction etc. does it not mention something about a vote or poll?
Could one of you more computer knowing people set up a vote? ie: is an air gun a weapon? or not?