The hogsback stocked 38 was the earliest one, Dave. Had the shorter cylinder. A rare gun, but as you say, the 36 is even rarer on these shores. When...
SMK SYNSG (or the 208 if you prefer wood stock) is a solid gun. Mine was my first gun and is very accurate. Did sell it at one point and got lucky in...
I’m in Southrn Scotland, Ive just applied for my Airgun Licence, I though it wont be a problem,just fill in a form, and wait for it to come back. But...
nah, it does get you a weihrauch. Hw30 / 99 territory. It's also clear you don't understand the slicing process.. that's why your envisaged business...
I've had all day to think about this piston & I can't shift the image of the inside of the cylinder when I saw it had been sanded or something, it's...