Quote Originally Posted by pizzicato View Post
Below was mentioned in the earlier thread on this subject

I have an Izzy 46M ssp and was concerned about the piston compression seal and breech seals being bone dry. As I wasn’t sure of the material used for these “rubbery looking” seals I didn’t wish to use a mineral based oil that might have attacked the properties of these seals and secondly mineral oils evaporate.

I contacted Abbey Supply Co Ltd and told them my problem and wanted to know if their SM50 product would be suitable. I was informed that SM50 is a blend (my guess 50:50) of Silicone Oil and Molybdenum Disulphide; that it contained no hydrocarbons.

Their advert on the label, “ GunLube SM50 is a high quality, long lasting lubricant suitable for use at high temperatures and high loads to eliminate wear. Recommended for airgun washers and piston rings firing pins, sears and triggers. Use in compression chambers, high load metal to metal areas and high temperatures. Shake well”.

(My assumption it is the Moly that really does the work and the silicone oil acts like an inert carrier and thins down the Moly).

Now I read that the testing done by Ben revealed that the silicone gets under the grease and that’s when the significant damage started.

I like others would like confirmation that this SM50 does exactly what it says on the 30ml dispenser bottle.

To have to shake the contents would in my mind suggest that the blend is not a homogeneous one and thus separates out possibly after being applied?

I do not relish completely stripping down an expensive new pistol.
Hi all
I've also been using Abbey SM50 for lubing my springer internals for a while now & I can not say I have noticed any stiffness or excessive metal wear to the internals