Good afternoon

After the really useful information regarding getting started, I have got most of the bits and pieces I need to get started (I think), Well I've got a bag of shiny things from Henry Kranks.

I am used to to reloading centrefire ammo so used to measuring powders by weight, I am a little confused by the whole measuring by volume thing though.

How doe this work in its simplest terms

I understand that I should be taking a starting weight of for example 12gns of Black Powder, measure the volume and then use this volume of pyrodex- is that right.

If it is, is there any way of converting this so I can use my reloading scales to weight out the equivalent volumes of Pyrodex.

Before someome tells me to look at the tub of pyrodex, that is in my cellar and I'm in work

Thanks guys

Hoping to get my firs shots fired tomorrow night.
