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Thread: Falcon Merlin 4-14 x 56

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Falcon Merlin 4-14 x 56

    Just mounted this to the rifle -- very, very first impressions, incredibly well built and great optics. Zero-ed in now ... more details tomorrow!
    B.A.S.C | HW100Tuning KT250bar+reg+tune .177+4-16x50 | HW95.177 +4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune | TX200HC.22 + 4-16x44 | HW97KT.22 + 4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Okay, after a good few hours with the scope, here are my impressions so far. I'm comparing this with my previous scope, a Hawke Airmax SR6 3-12 x 44AO. I've tried to quantify each area out of ten. I am making an honest appraisal of the product and don't hold back on faults that I find.


    The packaging the product arrived in is high quality with a well designed cover. Inside I found the scope, the sidewheel, a small instruction booklet, two sunshades, a cleaning cloth and a spare battery. All were extremely well packed. Verdict: 9/10

    Build Quality:

    Wow -- this is one well built, solid scope. It weighs in a little under a kilo and feels much more more substantial than the Hawke. The zero-ing dialling-in turrets are "sniper" style and work extremely well. I was at first wondering whether you had to "lift, move and then snap into place" the turrets but these aren't that design. You simply move the turret manually. Will this mean that the clicks might get moved in the bag or accidentally? In short, no. There is a very positive force required to move the turrets and activate the clicks so I cannot see how this could accidentally happen in the field or in the bag. The front and rear lenses have screw type metal covers which are well designed. One good example to me of the quality was that the threads on the covers were very smooth and had that sound of "solid running", if you know what I mean. Now, for me I prefer the quick Butler Creek pop-up covers and I've ordered a set which I'll place on the scope. Verdict: 10/10

    Optical Quality:

    Excellent optical quality in this area and where it really shines is during the "full zoom" of x14. At four to eight the quality was on a par somewhat with the Hawke. But at twelve the Hawke was showing signs of optical stress. There was no such sign at x 14 with the Merlin. The large, 56mm objective lens combined with the 30mm tube size and the lens' quality and coverings means that in low light conditions this scope is bloody superb (about 60% better than the SR6 in low light conditions, with my eyes). I do remember looking through a £1,200 scope at the CLA Gamefair last year in daylight and I'd say the Merlin is 80% of the quality of that scope (purely judging from memory and highly unscientific). Verdict: 9/10


    I opted for the "mil dot" style because that's what I wanted. I did enjoy the Airmax's specialised reticle and that works extremely well (good job Nick!). But I don't do HFT -- just deplete the population of bunnies where I live. The reticle is slightly "thinner" than the Hawke's but it allows me to see more of the target. I do not feel that I have to strain the eye to see the reticule (so it's not that thin) but it is a good compromise between functionality and the ability to see the target. I haven't full investigated the different mil dots but I understand their seperation equates at x10 to 3.6 inches at 100 yards. More than good enough for me. Verdict: 9/10


    Well, when I first fitted the scope and set up my 30 yard target I wasn't even hitting the A4 sized paper target! Whether this was my scope-mounting inexperience, I would think this is highly likely. Anyway, (and a top tip here for newbies) I got right up close to the target to actually find out where the pellets were roughly going. Once I determined they were going five o'clock low I pulled back and re-adjusted the turrets accordingly. Within 15 shots I was getting half inch groupings at 30 yards ... and a better still after another ten shots. I tried it at different zoom levels too and didn't notice any "zero-shift" errors. One thing I did have problems with was holding the crosshairs steady at x14. I could not rule out pellet spread at that magnification being due to my inability to hold the gun steady enough. I need to follow up here with a very steady, cushioned benchrest style set up to eradicate human shake error. Verdict 9/10 (could be 10 / 10 but I need to remove my human error factor called shake and decide for certain after that).

    Parallax Adjustment:

    What a joy! The SR6 was always a little stiff and turning it on the objective lens wasn't the ideal solution. But the little side wheel is smooth and the yard-age is accurate. I have not tried the larger wheel yet. One concern I had was that the parallax wheel would interfere with the insertion of the AA S410's magazine. This is NOT a problem at all with the smaller adjuster, but the bigger one will not allow the magazine to be removed with it in place. This does not worry me personally. BTW, I have Sportsmatch 30mm High mounts and these provide ample clearance to use parallax adjustment absolutely fine with the standard wheel. Verdict 8.5/10

    Illuminated Reticle:

    This was the main motivation for me getting a new scope. As I have explained elsewhere on this forum, one area where rabbits have infested is inside a shed on my shoot. And one of the areas the rabbits emerge from is between bales of hay. At around 1730, the SR struggled to pick out the rabbits because of the smaller lens but more importantly because of the dark reticle. I have tried both green and red IR with the Merlin and each perfoirms equally well. I opt for "3" setting which is the right brightness for me at low light levels in the shed area. I did. however, notice that at "5" setting their was a very slight reflection. Not very noticeable, but just a little noticeable. Verdict: 8.5/10


    I paid £219 for this scope and I am amazed at the quality of optics for this price. As a complete package, it cannot be beaten at this price, IMO. Now, I'm very aware that the nearest "competitor" is the hugely rated MTC x 50 scope and there's a fair bit of a fan base growing between these scopes. I cannot account for the MTC one because I have not seen through it or used it. I bet it is very good indeed judging from the views here. But for me I went with the Merlin because of the price and the x56 objective size. I am overall delighted with the purchase. Conclusion rating: 9/10

    Post Script: I would like to thank Rob for his considerable efforts, help and advice during the purchase of this scope. He and Baldie provide a great (albeit competiting) service. I was a little confused by their websites because the names are so similar (have you guys ever thought about combining again?) but both are top blokes. Not an advert for either and please don't take this as such, just my personal experience.
    Last edited by C3PO_1; 07-04-2007 at 05:37 PM.
    B.A.S.C | HW100Tuning KT250bar+reg+tune .177+4-16x50 | HW95.177 +4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune | TX200HC.22 + 4-16x44 | HW97KT.22 + 4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Escapee from Londistan
    Good review C3PO. I am not at all surprised you find the Falcon better than the SR6. I have an SR12 and my Merlin is better by miles. I think these are fantastic scopes for the money and hence my desire to see a Falcon 6 - 24 x 56IR available. If Falcon could produce such a scope to the quality of its 4 - 14 x 56IR then I am sure they would sell. Might not sell huge numbers but sell enough to make it worth their while.
    Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. Winston Churchill

  4. #4
    dandylion Guest
    I've just treated myself to the 10x42 with tactical reticule, and am really pleased with it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Last edited by C3PO_1; 10-03-2007 at 01:55 PM.
    B.A.S.C | HW100Tuning KT250bar+reg+tune .177+4-16x50 | HW95.177 +4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune | TX200HC.22 + 4-16x44 | HW97KT.22 + 4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Hi, good review!

    I've just stuck mine on my new Pro-Sport.

    A heavy combo - but a deadly effective one!

    Born To Be Mild.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Bidford on Avon, Warwickshire
    Can I ask which Butler Creeks you opted for in the end? I have this scope on my recently purchased HW100K, and am so far loving the combo, but the end caps are a bit of a chore to screw on and off. I'd prefer to have the almost "instant" protection flip-ups give when just mooching about.

    A picture of my baby too :
    HW77k .22
    HW100K .22 4-14x56 Merlin IR

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hi -- looks a great set up. I cannot remember the size now but when I ordered from the store they sized it up for me over the phone, after telling them what scope I had, then sent out the right set. The BCs are great too and really useful for fast target acquisition from a "protected" state.
    B.A.S.C | HW100Tuning KT250bar+reg+tune .177+4-16x50 | HW95.177 +4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune | TX200HC.22 + 4-16x44 | HW97KT.22 + 4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Butler CReeks for this scope are:

    Butler Creek Flip-Open Scope Covers (19 Eye/48 Obj)
    Born To Be Mild.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Bidford on Avon, Warwickshire
    Many thanks!
    HW77k .22
    HW100K .22 4-14x56 Merlin IR

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    is this scope fine for a fac TX200 MKIII OR A HW97K?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by el maipino View Post
    is this scope fine for a fac TX200 MKIII OR A HW97K?
    Apparently they are fine
    B.A.S.C | HW100Tuning KT250bar+reg+tune .177+4-16x50 | HW95.177 +4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune | TX200HC.22 + 4-16x44 | HW97KT.22 + 4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    One slightly negative observation: I have found after several months of use that there seems to be a bit of reflection off the lenses. It seems light hitting the cornea of the eye bounces back onto the lens you look through and that bounces back to your eye again giving sometimes an imperfect view. It might be an issue with the lens coating...
    B.A.S.C | HW100Tuning KT250bar+reg+tune .177+4-16x50 | HW95.177 +4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune | TX200HC.22 + 4-16x44 | HW97KT.22 + 4-16x44 + Paul Short Stage 4 & Trigger Tune

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    East Kilbride
    I think this is common with all scopes, only a maximiser (pigs ear) can take this away I reckon..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Southend, Essex
    I've owned both the Merlin and an MTC and I judge the Merlin to be superior in every aspect. Unfortunately, talking to Nick at Falcon Optics, the 4-14x56 is no longer in production but there is a new ir model on it's way!

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