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Thread: Grant Aid/Funding for Shooting Clubs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch

    Grant Aid/Funding for Shooting Clubs

    Last year I spoke to a gentleman who had applied for a number of grants to develope/improve shooting facilities for his club and county.
    He told me that all his applications had been successful.

    I was therefore encouraged to apply for a grant from the Awards for All Lottery funding body for almost £10000 (which is the maximum they give)

    I have now been informed that the application was successful and our club has received the full amount into our bank account

    The money will build us a new outdoor 50 metre range for 3P and prone rimfire shooting which will also free up our existing old 50 yard range for air rifle shooting.

    The club is Leics. and District S.B.R.P. Club which includes the Dowry Hill Field Target Section of membership.

    Most of this money will allow us to build 7 ft high concrete safety walls between the various ranges. This funding does not have to be matched by the club, although members will be involved in construction of the target frames/butts/access gates etc.

    So the funding is there to improve facilities for your club members. If you have a new project in mind then see guidance notes on
    hold me back !!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thats great news, well done John, wonderful that the Lottery is giving money to support the sport.

    Nice work.
    see you later today.
    Last edited by pollythedog; 12-03-2008 at 01:02 PM.
    PM me for money saving prices on aquarium fish foods.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)
    Fantastic - What a brilliant result.

    Well done for spotting the opportunity and - most important - following it through.

    I shall have to keep a note of your success in case we (Swallows FTC down in sunny Sussex) 'have a go', and seek your advice on how you did it.

    Well done again John

    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Thumbs up Grant Aid for shooting

    Well done John,bril result in an age when shooting seems to be getting a bit of a kicking.
    Best Regards & good luck with the project,Peter

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch

    Further funding

    I recently made another application for funding that would pay for a local Scout group to use one of our shooting ranges one night a week for 10 weeks to learn about air rifle target shooting.
    The funding is from a government initiative called Extending Activities and pays £38/youngster to the club for a 10-12 week session

    We have been told the application has been successful and although the initial grant/sum is only £380, we have been asked by the funding management team to adopt a rolling programme of 3 x 12 week sessions/year to cover all scouts in the area, so the application is worth about £1200/year.

    The spin-offs are that the initiative should help create interest in shooting and it is hoped that some of the scouts (and perhaps their parents) will continue to shoot, join the club and take up competitive target shooting (paper or FT)

    I have also been informed that more lottery money will be available as from January in the form of grants to a maximum of £5000/project
    As with the 'Awards for All' grant, the club making the application does not have to contribute financially towards the project
    hold me back !!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch

    Further funding

    duplicate removed
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    hold me back !!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Some great ideas, John. I will discuss them with the comittee at Sutton Coldfield with a view to improving our facilites (new loos and a new kitchen would be our priority). Many thanks, Charlie

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Well done to all involved. Excellent!

    Far too many rifles & pistols to mention here.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch

    completion of range

    Our new 50 metre range is now complete and this should free up our old 50 yard range for airgun shooters

    I have just finished the 'end of project report' for the Awards for All (National Lottery) body and posted it off

    It was a pretty easy report to complete and just required a statement of where the money was spent and a few photographs to show completion of the 7 feet high safety walls, the target butts and the covered firing point

    Our next big requirement is towns mains water. At present we save all rain water falling on the roof of the club house and indoor range. The odd squirrel that drowns in our storage tank (2 in past year)reminds us of the need for safe drinking water
    So I am now going to enquire about the new grants available as we cannot get another grant from 'Awards for All' until 2010
    We need £5000 plus - so fingers crossed

    2 requirements for these bigger grants are a set of Club Rules or Constitution and a policy regarding Child Protection

    The NSRA make specimen documents available to clubs.

    If anyone is applying for one of the Awards for All grants and needs advice re. writing a set of Club Rules or a Policy on Child Protection I will help if I can.
    If I can do it, anyone can.

    The money is there and the Lottery Bodies are more than happy to give it to Shooting Clubs that are structured and that cater for their local communities

    Health and Safety issues do (I believe) score well. Also doing something to help those who are not able bodied, enjoy our sport, is considered important So improving access for wheel chair shooters to the clubs facilities should be seriously considered in any new build/project

    Just apply for the application form on the lottery web site and give it a go.

    The important thing to do, is look at the guidance document and the important criteria that have to be met. Then bear these criteria in mind as you fill in the application form

    Consider increasing the number/types of shooting disciplines if necessary to attract more members and broaden the appeal of the club. It can only help your chances

    The only other thing you need is a good referee who is aware of your club activities but who is not a member of the club
    Good luck
    hold me back !!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Arundel, West sussex.
    Good luck with your application, It may please you to know that my shooting club aquired a lottery grant in the region of £110,000, so the funds are definately available.
    Never rub another mans rhubarb.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch


    Hi Rob

    That really is amazing

    Although there is quite a bit of work to do in filling in the application/paperwork, it is a great feeling when the letter comes and says that the application is successful.

    Also we should not shrink from asking for large sums of money as long as it is a good project that furthers our sport/hobby and helps the local community.
    I hope your post encourages other clubs to have a go

    hold me back !!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire. UK

    Great News

    Hello All,

    That's great news at last. I remember quite a few years ago the lottery refused a clay club a grant because it was shooting. I can't remember the details but it was a grant for disabled stands if I remember correctly. Pleased to see that responsible shooting clubs and shooters are at last being recognised as worthy of grants.

    Dave ( "Wildfowlers do it in the mud"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by robsmyth View Post
    Good luck with your application, It may please you to know that my shooting club aquired a lottery grant in the region of £110,000, so the funds are definately available.
    Blimey, well done! Which fund was that, obviously not Awards for All as that only goes to £10k.
    What are you going to do with that sort of money? Buying land and building an all-new range complex?
    "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." Sigmund Freud
    Shooting is my meditation

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    If you have a junior section then there are also several other govt schemes that can yield funds aimed at getting youngsters to participate in things. Talk to your local town hall for advice, funds for these schemes are limited annually so you have to get an application in early.

    Several major companies do a match funding schemes, you need to have a member of your organisation who works for such a company. Essentially they will match the amount of money raised elsewhere from another fundraising effort (not another grant though !!).

    First step is to get your memebers to enquire with their employers to see if they have any such schemes. DHL for example have branches everywhere and do have a scheme, so thats a starter for you.

    I have raised about 2.5K in the last 18 months for my air cadet squadron just using grants with another £600 or so in the pipeline for this year and £1500 for next year. And we still have the lottery to apply for when we move buildings.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch

    new grants

    Awards for All are not funding new construction but The Small Grants Scheme is offering grants up to £10000 that does include new construction work

    I have just applied for a £1000 cash4clubs grant. This is easy to apply for with a web based application

    If applying for this grant remember to cut and paste your info. into a saved Word doc if you do not complete it in one sitting.
    I made the mistake of saving what I thought would be my application, only to find on opening the doc. some days later that all I had saved was a blank application form

    Awards for All is also web based but you register with a password and all your info is saved

    i will post here if the cash4 clubs application is successful
    hold me back !!

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