Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Sniper View Post
I only own 3 Co2 pistols (well will do when the next one arrives)
They are a CP99 and can be cocked manually by pulling the slide back.
Must admit, its accuracy is better like that
And my Crosman 375 can also be cocked manually.
My Gammo R77 (when it arives I should think is similar).
Can we enter using these?

Hi Tony
I am afraid I do not know the pistols in question. The aim of the competition was to use guns that require some degree of effort to cock so that over the course of 20 shots some muscle will have been used and hence the heart rate raised albeit slightly, (unless your arteries are as clogged as mine!) I would guess (but could be wrong) that in cocking your co2's that you need very little effort whereas the spring and pnuematics do have an amount of resistance involved.
For that reason I would have to turn down your entry. Sorry.