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Thread: Barrel "Conditioning".

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by suds View Post
    To be on the safe side I need to pull my Steyr barrel through every time I do a serious shoot yet my Dommie is not so fussy, I do however pull the Dominator barrel through when the groups get erratic
    Yes i noticed you seem to clean that dommie barrel a lot dave

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    i find in my daystate barrel after 500/550 shots its like a light switch, from a kill zone to missing the plate!!! then its a clean, followed by 100/150 to re-lead the last time it took 200 before it came back again, im using a pull thru with the 1st lightly oiled then clean tabs till its clean, i dont find it helps with washed & loobed or just washed, i might look a little more into polishing the barrel to see if this improves,

    But a great read with some top tips!!!

    just 1 question, when polishing the in side of the barrel how do you stop any cleaning material from going in the transfer port thing?????
    Air Arms Tx200SR .22 Air Arms Pro Sport.177 Air Arms TX200 .177 Air Wolf .177


  3. #108
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by u.k.neil View Post
    I have lost count of the number of times I have seen shooters on a sighting in range with four or five different makes of pellets opened in front of them, taking five or so shots with each type and then saying that their gun is not grouping.

    Whenever a brand of pellets is changed (sometimes even different batches of the same pellet) or if the barrel has been cleaned then the barrel has to be "conditioned" to that particular pellet by putting at least ten shots (I do 20 to be on the safe side) through it before trying a group.

    Different brands of pellets have different percentages of elements in them which affect hardness, coefficient of friction, B.C's etc which all have an effect.

    Just thought a "Heads-Up" on this subject might stop a bit of frustration....

    a good piece of advice

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Cheers handy tip this
    Some of my favourite guns in. You collection, Umarex Beretta 92fs - Colt Custom 1911 - Walther Lever Action - TM Hi-Capa Custom Build Project - Colt SAA .45 & many more..

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Pellet differences

    Hi I recently bought a Weihrauch 97k which had been tuned from a mate, it shoots very smoothly, you can keep a pellet on top of the scope while shooting, its a .22 and i was using RWS Superdome pellets14.5gr, after zeroing i tried shooting out to 55yds, it was not on the mildots at all, i then tried JSB Exacts jumbo diabolo 15.89gr, which gave me 3 mildots at 55 yds, i then managed to knock out the red dot on a shoot and see at 55 yds, needless to say it was not windy and it was on a bench rest, but just shows you what a change of pellet can do. Clive

  6. #111
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Marcham, Oxfordshire
    I used to find my AA400 used to go to pieces if I cleaned the barrel.
    Completely opposite to my HW100 which I would have to clean the barrel every other week otherwise it would not group well at all.
    With my Daystate I would clean the barrel every time I started a new tin of pellets so every 500 pellets.
    This always worked for me

    I only ever used the small felt shoot through pellets usually 3 or 4 until they came out of the barrel clean.
    I was always told rightly or wrongly years ago when I started shooting never put anything harder than a lead pellet down a rifled barrel.
    I'd rather a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal labottomy

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike95 View Post
    The CZ factory handbook recommends barrel cleaning every 250 shots for the S200 and I assume all PCP's need regular cleaning presumably because of pellet build up? I nearly caused a riot at my club when I suggested barrel cleaning, but I must admit I have not cleaned barrels on any of my springers unless I am stripping them. I confess to sitting before a bench with six different brands of pellets and checking to see if the 50 year old Webley/BSA barrel will group better with one pellet than with another! One major problem we all know about is the 50 year old .22 barrel and the modern 5.5mm I have to worry about barrel conditioning!

    Many thanks for the tip..I will get out the cleaning pull tomorrow.

    Hi mike as for regular cleaning i only clean the barrel if i get erractic shots i.e up down left right otherwise i leave well alone for example a few of my pcps i put around 10,000 shots through a month in a year and a half ive not cleaned them i check them for grouping before i go out shooting the course same with springers. If it aint broke dont fix it....
    Crossbow with s&b 12-50-56 on top

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Springer34, 10,000 shots a month seems a tad OCD. Surly 320 shots a day must be very time consuming and boring or are your figures a typo mistake.

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Hi I never bother cleaning my barrels as long as I can hit a target out to 55yards wind and wobble are my main problems when siting or bench resting

  10. #115
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by verminhunter View Post
    You aint half wrong neil, thank you for that neil, took your advice and went out and bought the large filter tips, blew 3 through and yes they do work.
    this is what i'll do from now on, aint going through that again.
    Cheers neil.
    pound shop .big box , been doing this for years

    why does cleaning barrels damage barrels with say pull through and cloth ?

  11. #116
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    > !!! SILENCED !!! <
    Using a pullthroug can wear the crown when you pull the string accross it, usually on the same side.

  12. #117
    Join Date
    May 2015


    And there i was with all my different pellets wondering exactly that!!!

    Thanks for the advice

  13. #118
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Very interesting post will save me and a good few others a bit of head scratching lol
    Cheers craig

  14. #119
    Join Date
    May 2012
    st blazey
    Great read this thread, no one has mentioned 'smooth twist' so I will.
    When I got my .177 fx bobcat mk2 new I ran h&n ftt through the it,it grouped brilliantly straight off I put a whole tin of these through with great results. Next I tried jsb express again a full tin with very good results indeed. Next jsb exact,again with the same results.
    Ok the first half dozen of each type were not tight but they weren't bad either but tightened down very nicely.the thing is I've not cleaned the barrel at all? So far I've put around 2500 pellets through it 1500 of then being exacts as they suit my mtc ret the best.
    yes they are all good quality pellets and no doubt it will spray others all over the shop but I honestly never cleaned the barrel between types with no problems. Smooth twist gets my vote for the most unfussy barrel I have ever shot 'I've shot plenty' will report when it goes off the boil.

  15. #120
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Thanks for the filter tip tip! I'll try that

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