Very useful. Thank you.![]()
After browsing through some back issues looking for stripping instructions for a BSA Mercury I decided that an index would help. Not a complete list but here it is, with the blessing of TD himself.
I hope this helps someone.
AA Jackal September 2005
ASI Paratrooper October 1986
Benjamin 340 May 2006
BSA 240 Magnum Pistol December 2003
BSA Airsporter May 2007 Re-blue
BSA Airsporter Mk1 June 2006
BSA Goldstar February 2005
BSA Meteor December 1979
BSA Scope Stop August 1980
BSA Scorpion Pistol April 2005
BSA Scorpion October 2008
BSA Mercury December 1978
BSF S54/S70/S60/S55 October 1978
Cometa Indian Pistol August 2005
Cometa 300 May 2005
Crosman 1322 Pistol June 2005
Diana 52 December 2006
Feinwerkbau 300S March 1981
Feinwerkbau Sport November 2006
Gamo CF16 February 2006
Gamo CFX March 2006
Gamo Magnum January 2005
Gamo/ASI Cadet/Apache January 2004
Gem September 2006
Hammerli April 1980
Original Model 5 Pistol April 2006
Original Model 6 Pistol October 2006
Original 45 December 1980
Range Right Griffin March 2005
Record Jumbo Pistol May 2004
Sharp Inova July 2005
Sheridan Blue/Silver Streak May 2006 Same as Benjamin
SMK XS78/QB78 October 2005
Sterling HR81 August 2007
Theoben November 2007 Gas Rams
Webley Mk 3 October 2007
Webley Mk 3 February 1979
Webley Nemesis Pistol November 2007 l
Webley Senior Pistol May 1979`
Webley Senior/Junior Pistol September 2007
Webley Service Mk2 December 2005
Webley Stingray February 2007
Webley Typhoon Pistol December 2007 New Type
Webley Vulcan July 2007
Webley Vulcan January 1981
Webley Vulcan/Omega/Stingray December 2004
Weihrauch HW35 November 1978
Weihrauch HW50 March 1980
Very useful. Thank you.![]()
Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.
That does surprise me.with the blessing of TD himself.
Here is the complete - as far as I know - Alphabetical listing of Phil's strip articles.
I have all the articles and used to supply them on request, but was told by TD I was infringing copyright, so I removed the original post, therefore,
(Mainly) BULMER STRIP Alphabetical Index
01) The Beginning – 05/01
02) Air Arms Jackal – 09/05
03) Air Arms Prosport – 04/03
04) Air Arms S300 – 05/03
05) Air Arms TX200 SR – 07/02
06) Airgun Lubrication – 06/04
07) Anschutz 335 – 02/02
08) B2 – (Jamie Benson) – 07/03
09) Barrel Straightening – 11/01
10) Benjamin 340 – 05/06
11) Blacking A BSA – 05/07
12) Brocock TACS & Slim Jim – 05/02
13) BSA 240 Magnum – 12/03
14) BSA Airsporter – 08/02
15) BSA Airsporter Mk.1 – 06/06
16) BSA Goldstar – 02/05
17) BSA Meteor – 08/01
18) BSA Scorpion Pistol – 04/05
19) BSA Supersport – 04/02
20) BSA Superstar Mk.2 – 01/02
21) BSA Lincoln Jeffries – 03/02
22) Co2 Maintenance – 08/06
23) Cometa 300 – 11/05
24) Cometa Indian – 08/05
25) Crosman 1322 – 05/05
26) Crosman Co2 Rifles – 09/03
27) Daisy 717 Poweline – 04/07
28) Daystate PH-6 – 11/02
29) Diana 52 – 12/06
30) Falcon FN19 – 08/03
31) FWB Sport – 11/06
32) Gamo Cadet – 01/04
33) Gamo Center – 06/03
34) Gamo CFX – 03/06
35) Gamo Magnum – 01/05
36) GEM – 09/06
37) Original Model 5 – 04/06
38) Original Model 6M – 10/06
39) Original Model 50 – 07/04
40) QB-XS78 Strip – 10/05
41) QB-XS78 Tune – 02/06
42) Range Right Griffin – 03/05
43) Record Jumbo – 05/04
44) Relum Tornado – 03/04
45) Sharp Innova – 07/05
46) Sterling HR81 – 08/07
47) Walther CP88 – 07/01
48) Walther PPK Co2 – 01/07
49) Webley Eclipse – 03/03
50) Webley Hurricane – 09/01
51) Webley Mk.3 – 10/07
52) Webley Nemesis – 11/07
53) Webley Omega – 12/04
54) Webley Raider – 01/03
55) Webley Senior – 09/03
56) Webley Senior & Junior – 09/07
57) Webley Service Mk.2 – 12/05
58) Webley Stingray (Tuning) – 02/07
59) Webley Stingray/Xocet/Vulcan Mk.1 – 03/07
60) Webley Tomahawk – 02/03
61) Webley Tracker – 09/07
62) Webley Typhoon (new) – 12/07
63) Webley Vulcan – 07/07
64) Weihrauch HW35E – 09/02
65) Weihrauch HW 57 – 02/04
66) Weihrauch HW95 – 08/04
67) Weihrauch HW45 – 04/04
68) Weihrauch HW77/97 – 10/02
69) Westlake KL3B – 06/01
70) Whiscombe JW50 – 06/05
Last edited by Troubledshooter; 11-10-2009 at 10:51 PM.
Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.
Here's the Chronological Index as well.
If it contains any errors, I'm sure they'll be pointed out.
The months with ---------- against them indicate no article published.
Bulmer Strip Articles – Chronological Index
May - Intro.
June - Chinese KL3B Side Lever
July - Walther CP88
August - BSA Meteor
September - Webley Hurricane
October - ---------
November - Barrel Straightening
December - ---------
January - BSA Superstar Mk.2
February - Anschutz 335
March - BSA/Lincon Jeffries U/Lever
April - BSA Supersport
May - Brocock TAC’s
June - ----------
July - AA TX200 SR
August - BSA Airsporter
September - Weihrauch 35E
October - Weihrauchs HW77 & HW97
November - Daystate PH-6
December - Webley Stingray/Exocet/Vulcan
January - Webley Raider
February - Webley Tomahawk
March - Webley Eclipse
April - Air Arms Prosport
May - Air Arms S300
June - Gamo Center
July - B2
August - Falcon FN19
September - Webley Senior
October - Crosman C02 Rifles
November - --------------
December - BSA 240 Magnum
January - Gamo Cadet
February - Weihrauch HW57
March - Relum Tornado
April - Weihrauch 45
May - Record Jumbo
June - Airgun Lubrication
July - Original 50
August - Weihrauch HW95
September - Webley Tracker
October - Venom HW80 Lazaglide Description
November - Fitting a Gas Spring (Tracker)
December - Webley Omega
January - Gamo Magnum
February - Bsa Goldstar
March - Range Right Griffin
April - BSA Scorpion Pistol
May - Crosman 1322
June - Whiscombe JW50
July - Sharp Innova
August - Cometa Indian
September - Air Arms Jackal
October - QB/XS 78
November - Cometa 300
December - Webley Service Mk.2
January - ------------
February - QB/XS 78
March - Gamo CFX
April - Original Model 5
May - Benjamin 340
June - BSA Airsporter Mk.1
July - ---------------
August - Co2 Maintenance
September - Gem
October - Original Model 6M
November - FWB Sport
December - Diana 52
January - Walther PPK Co2
February - Webley Stingray
March - Webley Stingray Tuning
April - Daisy 717 Powerline
May - Airsporter Strip & Refinish
June - --------------------
July - Webley Vulcan
August - Sterling HR81
September - Webley Senior & Junior
October - Webley Mk.3
November - Webley Nemesis
December - Webley Typhoon (AGS)
Last edited by Troubledshooter; 11-10-2009 at 10:39 PM.
We always bring stacks of AGW and AG magazine back issues to the shows, and sell them off for £1 a copy. The proceeds of this go to Stoke Mandeville, but don't tell my guvners.
Last edited by Gareth W-B; 05-09-2011 at 06:55 PM. Reason: to ad AG to the above, as back issues of these are available at the shows, too.
Hi Terry, what would be the chances of a one off special compilation edition full of nothing but the strip and techy articles from days gone by to now??
I for one would happily purchase such a tome and I bet it would move like the proverbial off a shovel!
I know I should have kept them, wish I had. Not only would this be a trip down memory lane but would be a real boon to us kitchen table mechanics![]()
So would I, as a shooter of over 20 years, my favourite part of recent AW was the old gun reviews.
Access to this stuff would be superb.
HW77 & 97K .22. Say what you like about the Germans, but they cant half make Guns
Hi, just been looking at this 'issue'. It looks as though if you sbscribe to the digital edition of the mag you get free access to the past issues database.
It does say 'issues that are on the system' which would indicate it's not complete, so it might be worth checking what issues are available before subscription?
Apologies if this is already well known.......
Ah, just had mail back - no good I'm afraid
Thanks for your message.
Unfortunately we only started our digital subscription service in 2009 and therefore the earliest issue available is May 2009. All issues from May 2009 are on the system so there are currently 29 issues available to view.
Best Regards
Chris Scarle
Digital Design and Web Development
Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.