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Thread: MTC Viper Connect 3-12X32

  1. #1
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    chester-le-street, Co Durham

    MTC Viper Connect 3-12X32

    I've had this for a while now so I thought it was about time i stuck up a review for anyone thinking of taking the plunge.

    Firstly, it was exceptionally well packaged, arriving in a cardboard box with eggshell foam inserts to hold it still and protect it in transit. Inside sat the scopes box, which is a considerable mark up from the usual MTC boxes, the graphics look really professional and the overall box just oozes quality. It even has magnets to hold it closed. On opening this you find the scope, held in place by yet more high density foam and wrapped in a clear plastic bag. The instructions also sit in the box along with a lens cloth. The scope doesn't come with any mounts for its 30mm tube so these have to be bought separately.

    Lifting it out gives the impression of an extremely durable bit of kit, the scope itself is quite short, but has quite a heft. The dials and adjusters all go about there business in a nice smooth manner and everything functions as it should. The built in scope cover on the front is a very nice touch and works very well, springing into the open position and staying there with no hint of any play. Mounting it to the Daystate mk4 was a slight hassle, because of the lack eye relief the scope has to be positioned pretty far back, that means the front objective bell sits directly above where the mag is on a Daystate and in order to clear that, the scope has to be mounted on high mounts. I decided to dump the mag and using the single shot tray, that way I could use lower mounts and keep the scope very close to the bore of the rifle for a really nice trajectory. I have since seen one fitted to an Airwolf on high mounts and to be honest it doesn’t seem to sit as high as I had first thought. Of course this won't be a problem for owners of HW100's and the like; only rifles with mags that stick high above the action will find it an issue.

    With the scope mounted it was time for a look through it alongside the Mamba Lite 3-12x44 on my wolf. All I can say is the Connect is incredible to look through, the field of view is at least double the equivalent view through the Mamba Lite for any given magnification. Not only that, but it is an extremely bright and crisp view right to the edge of the sight picture. It made the Mamba Lite seem extremely closed in and the Reticule suddenly looked very cluttered. Speaking of reticules, the new AMD ret on the Connect is superb. It's very fine so looking at dark targets in dull conditions may mean it gets lost but the Illuminated reticule comes in very handy here. I'll admit I'm not usually a fan of illuminated rets, in fact, I rarely ever use them, but this one is slightly different. Only the very centre cross lights up, so your eye isn’t overwhelmed by the extra light, In a way it kind of looks like a red dot sight when your in the dark which speeds up target acquisition considerably, great for ratting then.

    The one area where users will need to adapt is the lack of eye relief, this is where the scope gets its amazing field of view but it might take some getting used to for some people. As it stands, I'm an NV user and already perfectly used to having the scope touching my eye. In fact, I find it aids in stability especially for standing shots where the extra contact with the rifle really helps.

    First few times out in the field I noticed I kept wanting to wind the magnification right up, and I normally prefer low mag. 4x is what my scopes are usually on when I'm stalking a wood, but with the Connect I found myself thinking I needed more, the wide field of view really tricks your brain into thinking your on less magnification that you really are.

    I’ve had my connect since it was launched but I'll not lie, at first it took me a while to get used to it, I could shoot well with it, but it wasn't second nature. By the 3rd hunting trip out though, I was not only used to it, but actually prefer the feeling of my eye being right up against the rear of it. It really does aid stability. It's really biggest plus point is of course, that field of view. It's outstanding and going back to the Mamba Lite is not a pleasurable experience as a result, the view through that feels very restricted.

    I also now like the way it looks on the Mk4, a lot. Even more so than a conventional scope I think, plus the real advantage of having it sit back on the rails the way it does, is that it adds virtually no weight to the front of the rifle, so your leading hand needs take no extra strain. This means the rifle handles as if there is no scope fitted at all.

    I've experienced zero white out, and had no issues with parallax error at all. It's also never shifted zero, not even by a millimetre, and I have had it fall over when leaned up against a tree trunk and land quite heavily on the scope but despite people reservations about mounting it with both mounts at the front of the tube I didn’t even have to re zero it.

    As it's abit of a Marmite scope, i'll resist the urge to tell everyone to rush out and buy one, that would be wrong because it may not suit everyone and there is a definate period of adjustment with the Connect. I would urge people to try their best to get a look through one though, because if you CAN get used to it, then you may find it's one of the very best scopes you've ever owned.

    Last edited by kwiky; 14-01-2011 at 10:41 AM. Reason: Spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    A nice review Kwiky

    I've had mine for a couple of weeks now and my findings so far almost exactly mirror yours.....except the sight picture in mine isn't crisp edge to edge but is slightly blurred to the edges away from the ret itself.

    I'm probably another week away from being entirely comfortable with the short eye relief to be honest, but I'm already sure it's a keeper

    My problem now is that I'm going to have to buy another for my Daystate to replace the Mamba Lite which is currently fitted.



  3. #3
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    chester-le-street, Co Durham
    I first thought the same regarding the sight picture, when looking directly at the centre of the ret the edges do appear slightly blurred but I found if I looked at the edge of the image they were, infact crisp and clear. I put this down to the field of view being so wide that the edge of the sight picture sits in our peripheral vision rather than in the centre like it does on a conventional scope. More a problem with the way our eyes work, rather than with the scope itself.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwiky View Post
    I first thought the same regarding the sight picture, when looking directly at the centre of the ret the edges do appear slightly blurred but I found if I looked at the edge of the image they were, infact crisp and clear. I put this down to the field of view being so wide that the edge of the sight picture sits in our peripheral vision rather than in the centre like it does on a conventional scope. More a problem with the way our eyes work, rather than with the scope itself.

    Hi Phil
    It is an optical issue unfortunately, the FOV is so massive that the very edges - at the extremes - tend to suffer a little distortion. Something to do with the laws of optics and eye position, TBH I forget about it as I tend to use the edges only to detect movement and the distortion is such a small % in that it's seldom noticable and never affects function

  5. #5
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    Ah well, there you go, I stand corrected. Thanks Gary.

  6. #6
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    Have you tried using a NV addon with it yet??...

  7. #7
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    The distortion around the edge of FOV is very noticable, almost a kalidascope effect but this is outside of the FOV of 'normal' scope, so whilst at first it might seem a little disapointing you soon realise it doesn't matter as you will still see things at edge of FOV that you wouldn't with 'normal' scope.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hurricane View Post
    The distortion around the edge of FOV is very noticable, almost a kalidascope effect but this is outside of the FOV of 'normal' scope, so whilst at first it might seem a little disapointing you soon realise it doesn't matter as you will still see things at edge of FOV that you wouldn't with 'normal' scope.
    Mine is certainly not that bad. Barely noticable really. That's why I thought it was more likely a peripheral vision thing.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by spready View Post
    Have you tried using a NV addon with it yet??...
    I haven't mate, I'm still waiting to see what MTC come up with regarding a front fitting add on for them.

  10. #10
    Parabuteo is offline My Chrony has bought it a couple of times...
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    Nice review Phil, I could'nt get photo bucket to work so I did'nt do any piccies with my copy of war and peace

    Actually, I have to wonder what the hell happened to the second part of Phil Prices review in AGW? This scope has a hell of a lot of potential.

    To be honest, I dont really notice the blurr round the edges.

    I have 2 of these, a 40mm prototype and a new 32mm unit. I have yet to use the 32mm unit as the rifle it will be living on currently has Nv living on board...sadly there is very little about so it is not getting much time out

    What is more noticeable, and may cause concern until you think about it is this.

    If you use one off of a bipod you will (oddly enough) be much closer to the deck.

    The foreground will be blurred to the bottom band of the image, and the far ground may appear more blurred at the top...wierd until you get used to it.

    I have to say that I had a connect 1 for a long time (actually I bloody well regret selling it now, it would have been sensible to keep it) and they were good in some circumstances (longer ranges and squirrelling).

    This new Connect has all the advantages of the 01 and none of the disadvantages.

    It weighs sod all, it has side focus (almost down to silly close ranges...great for ratting then) has a nice adjustable eye piece (As Phil says, gives extra stability) and the AMD ret is cracking.

    The scope is so fast on aim it is silly, and yet it performs better (IMHO) with the AMD out to 50+ than most other rets I have tried (including the SCB) as it is fine enough to be slightly more precise.

    A major change against the old Connect is that with this one, if you are sensible, it si far more conventional in eye relief (it has some) so you will be able to use it with some small bore rifles, some well behaved spring guns, and I believe Baz has tried a .223 (although spectacle wearers may come unstuck here, the new eyepiece is better for them too).

    I love the way you can adjust it instantly to suit the position...try it at dusk...amazing!!

    I reckon with the new crop of LED torches it will be a cracking little lamping scope.

    MTC have also got the IR smack on. It can be set so as not to burn the retina!! and the simple centre cross illumination works well and covers most sensible bases for a 35yd zero with .177 for hunting sub12.

    I wont be putting these on my spring guns, the mamba lites are fine, and I dont hunt with them, but my main 2 hunting rigs are staying connected
    I'm a maggot in another life you know

  11. #11
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    I don't know why it should perform particly well with a torch, it is not as good as a Taipan in low light.

  12. #12
    Parabuteo is offline My Chrony has bought it a couple of times...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hurricane View Post
    I don't know why it should perform particly well with a torch, it is not as good as a Taipan in low light.
    I cannot comment against the Taipan as I have not used one, but then that being the case, why would I know that it does not work as well....but then the OP was reviewing a Viper Connect...or not?

    The point I was making (having used the earlier Connect for lamping against standard scopes available at the time, and the current prototype in very low light) is that many folks drop the mag on their scopes for lamping or low light in order to allow quicker aquisition and an optimal exit pupil, but then you loose detail.

    This is not required with the connect as it has such a wide fov.

    My own experience with the prototype Viper connect and the earlier 01 was that they work down to very low light levels at mags that would not have been viable on most conventional scopes in this price range.

    Rat shooting also requires you to be quick on target, so with a low power lamp, and a connect, you should have a good little package that should be less spooky to the quarry.

    Does the Taipan focus down as close as the Connect? If not another plus.

    The Taipan is by all accounts a very good scope, but it aint a connect, which is what is on review here.

    There is also the plus that the combined weight of a connect, and a much smaller lamp, will go a long way to making a rifle handle better by being less top heavy..or not?

    The Viper Connect is not there as a Taipan killer, it is a scope (and potentially a system) in it's own class.
    I'm a maggot in another life you know

  13. #13
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    I have been following this post with interest chaps. Does the "Connect" really behave very differently from anything currently available? I must admit to being intrigued by this new introduction into the already excellent MTC stable. I may even nip up to see Lloyd at BAR to check one out for myself. It certainly sounds different to anything else knocking about at present and worthy of serious consideration. Didnt Sportsmatch say that they would produce some bespoke mounts for this scope?

    Last edited by Amac; 15-01-2011 at 10:58 PM.
    Member, the Feinwerkbau Sport appreciation Society (over 50's chapter) Andy, from the North !

  14. #14
    Parabuteo is offline My Chrony has bought it a couple of times...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amac View Post
    I have been following this post with interest chaps. Does the "Connect" really behave very differently from anything currently available? I must admit to being intrigued by this new introduction into the already excellent MTC stable. I may even nip up to see Lloyd at BAR to check one out for myself. It certainly sounds different to anything else knocking about at present and worthy of serious consideration. Didnt Sportsmatch say that they would produce some bespoke mounts for this scope?

    Hi Andy,

    From my point of view, yes, it is.

    If you like the MTC scopes, then this wont disappoint.

    I think the thing is that yes, you may well say that a 6-24x56 in whatever flavour is maybee better for long range shooting, and a 4x24 may seem better for squirrelling or ratting, but in the connect, you have all the advantages of the above (albeit 12x mag) in one scope.

    As I understand it sports match have been making a mount, but a good quality pair for single mounts fitted together will do as good a job, although I am not sure where that leaves you as regards scope mounted lamps as the sports match unit does take this into account.

    The only real issue re mounting is getting used to the eye position.

    Now, back in the day of the original connect 01, this had some real bearing. It was quite high and really needed an ajustable cheek piece, and the eye relief was quite uncompromising.

    The little (and it is small...but chunky, it is the patterdale of scopes, compact and tough) Viper connect really only shares the low light, fast aquisition, and wide FOV with the original, and none of the disadvantages.

    They eye relief is as you like it within reason.

    Gary and Sammy have been very clever in fitting an extendable, rubber coated eyepiece (often seen on modern bins) that extends, but is locked in place as it is on a cam, so it rotates to extend and retract.

    To this you can add, if you wish, and optional bellows eyepiece.

    The thing is, with the tube wound in, the scope works more or less conventionally, you could shoot a springer happilly with it, and as I said earlier, Baz has used .223, but I think he warned against glasses wearers trying this.

    Wind the tube out and it rests on your brow, and this really helps stabilise the rifle in any position.

    As Phil says, if you use NV it will feel pretty normal, but even if you dont, you will soon get used to it.

    Of interest to me is that there was some mention of a possible front end NV add on later down the line, which if it works out will be the dogs as you really will them have a 1 scope does all.

    The thing is that it will do the job of a much larger, heavier scope very well, while being potentially much lower in the mounts (depending on the rifle...but even then it's objective is only 32mm) and lighter, so it does not affect the handling in the way a large scope can make a bipod or rest more or a necessity for some.

    It is a bloody good squirrelling scope too. I use a Connect 01 for several seasons, and have used the new one (prototype) for several runs out and it is significantly better than what was already pretty handy.

    Side (very close minimum) focus, easy zoom, AMD ret (the dogs) one touch retina friendly () IR...ideal.

    It may be marmite, but not in anyway as much as the old 01 used to be.

    I think most would be able to shoot well with it, even if they did'nt like it mucth.
    I'm a maggot in another life you know

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Thanks Para! You have just persuaded me to try one so its off to Blackpool for me tomorrow. I will fit the scope to my Airwolf and let you know what I think when I have had a chance to use it and hopefully get used to it.
    Member, the Feinwerkbau Sport appreciation Society (over 50's chapter) Andy, from the North !

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