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Thread: Looking to get involved in the banter....erm I mean HFT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Looking to get involved in the banter....erm I mean HFT

    Hi all

    I am new to shooting air rifles and was interested in getting involved in HFT I live in Eastbourne and was hoping I could get some idea of the costs to compete and if I need to join a club to join in the fun ?

    I have an BSA Ultra ms .22 rifle with a basic BSA essential scope (from what I have read so far .22 is more challenging to shoot so when I miss I can use that old chestnut ).

    Thanks in advance



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Mile Oak :) Brighton

    You are lucky as there are several clubs in Sussex Most clubs do a taster session or trail period but ask at whatever club you choose joining. the club membership allows you to shoot in more competitions.

    Best advice is to make contact and get along to one of the clubs to have a look round and make sure its for you. You will get good first person advice and most probably a chance to shoot and look through lots of different kit.

    Should find some contact details on here for local clubs to you.

    Advice on rifles is very personal. If I was you, I would shoot a bit with your Ultra until you have decided what is for you and how much you want to spend. There are sections for .22 shooters in most comps but not loads of shooters as your right, the loopier trajectory does make it more difficult.

    If your thinking of staying with PCP then your probably talking at least £450-500 for a set-up including air bottle and scope. But if you've already got filling equipment and a scope that will do then an AA S400 between £250-£350 second hand will keep up with most stuff. Scope is dependent on many factors including your eyesight.

    Word of warning!!! You can and will probably want to spend serious wedge on this hobby, but its not really needed, there are just lots of nice things that you never realised that you NEEDED

    The OAKS
    SIHFT WINNERS 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    East Grinstead

    Looking to get involved in the banter....erm I mean HFT

    What Si said lol...Yes mate,there are quite a few clubs around Sussex,and he's right,you will see loads of stuff you never really knew you 'needed'....
    AA S400 K ( Modified MPR stock and Rowan Engineering furnishings ) with a Hawke 4-12x40 EV Panorama 1/2 MilDot Scope - BUXTED HFT TEAM -

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    London, UK
    Don't worry about your kit, it's fine, just be very afraid of the initiation stuff they do in Sussex

    I used to live there before I managed to escape, they won't find me now hehe

  5. #5
    Mog is offline Mog has so much potential but does not apply himself fully.
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    St Hilaire du Harcouët, Lower Normandy/East Sussex
    Stay with the kit that you've got to start with, more important is to join a club, near you we have The Swallows near Lewes and I believe there's a club at Buxted , but if you want to be in a winning team I suggest you consider The Mile Oak club in Portslade. (see below)
    Seriously, they're all great clubs that will show you a friendly welcome.
    Truttemer Tir Club

    Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    like theyve all said before come along to some of the local clubs and Ave a larf!! youll learn more about what we do and why, and with what kit.

    As Mog says there are some good local clubs - there are the winners and the runner ups see below


    The Oaks SiHFT Winners 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Thanks for the replies so far as for the sussex initiations if its the one involving goats and your left trouser leg rolled up then im definitly going to have to consider not doing HFT

    I think I will be in contact with those clubs mentioned soon for some more info etc

    Thanks again



  8. #8
    Alegazmoz is offline Southern Hunter Burger Tester
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by dragopent View Post
    ....... so far as for the sussex initiations if its the one involving goats and your left trouser leg rolled up then im definitly going to have to consider not doing HFT
    Goats perhaps, various other cloven hooved beasts possibly ..... but trousers are definately not a consideration.
    Those 'Oakie' types consider them a hindrance and rewritten the definition of 'bare essentials'

    Beware the smiling Brighton Boys ....... 50p a cup of tea and a bit o' bugglery that could cost you more than you've got.


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