Hi I'm Chris who suddenly seems to have a bit of spare time on my hands so thought I would have a look at doing a bit of shooting.

As yet I don't have a gun but That will probably change in the next few days. I had a go a couple of weeks ago on a mates smk xs78. Don't worry I'm not going to buy one. lol

I am also interested in motorbikes, I have 1200 Bandit, GPZ1100 A1 and 3 x military Harley Davidsons. One of which Is just about finished after being restored. It has taken me a couple of years cause because I only do a bit of work to it when I really feel like

I may/probably/maybe buy a Stoeger x20 within the few days. It seems to get a pretty good write up and I like the look of it.

Any way thats me any more would just be unnesseary wafle. I'll slip away into lurk mode.

