Originally Posted by
Yes, there are a few tutorials on line. Cut, take off any sharp edges, heat end coil to red, flatten, then dress the spring end so it's flat and smooth and de-burr inside of first coil or two.
As Tony says but if I may add, a very small adjustment to power such as 1/2 a fpe can be made by heating and compressing a coil.
I asked about this a while ago and I was told shortening by 2mm would achieve 1/2 foot pound which proved correct.
You can either use a plumbers blow torch or a kitchen gas hob if the missus isn't looking and you can hold the other end while you're doing it.
Squeeze the coil with some snipe nosed pliers.
Cutting needs either a Dremel or an angle grinder and a vice.
You'd best ask others more knowledgeable than me about how much and you will need to cut and say exactly which spring and gun.
The more I think I know, the more I realise the less I know.