Probably because this is quite a specialist area Andy and folk will look here first
If you want to provide a useful service why not sport out a specific reloading sales area....problem solved.
Chaps, sales have started to sneak into the reloading section. These posts should be in the firearms and related items section please.
I've moved the most recent ones over, but any new ones will be deleted without notice.
Probably because this is quite a specialist area Andy and folk will look here first
If you want to provide a useful service why not sport out a specific reloading sales area....problem solved.
I'm a maggot in another life you know
Im sure its been asked for before Chris, but it was refused due to the firearms sales section![]()
Work them hard, treat them like heros.
i was going to ask the same question as PARA,
if enough ask will it make a diifference or is this a shut case,
Most of our time is covering sales or sorting sales disputes, having them in the same areas makes looking for problems easier. Its been discussed and decided that reloading sales are firearm related and should go in that section. The odd sale may have gone unnoticed in reloading but as Andy says, sales are starting to outnumber reloading topics 3:1 and the section was never started for that. Sorry gents but the decision stays
Do nothing, achieve nothing
FWIW i found it nice to have reloading bits separate to the rest too![]()
I'm a maggot in another life you know
How about being able to just mention in this section that you've put something in the sales section that may be of interest.
I don't mind how you organise the site, it's a great and very useful site.
I've looked though, and the section you refer to doesn't seem to be there when I look.
There's a section a called Sales,and it has a firearms section. There doesn't appear to be a section called "Fire arms and related items". If you're threatening to remove adverts that don't comply, I think it would be fair if there was a theoretical possibility of being able to comply. Apologies if I'm reading you wrongly.
Perhaps a reloading section in "Sales" would be a good compromise all round.
Hmmm...sales have been "sneaking" into this section for years! It has been mentioned by the mods in previous times that it was ok and different to the usual sales sections as well as not being a big problem to moderate.
I think for the use that this section has become for reloaders, either reinstatement of sales or a reloading sales section would be a very good idea.
Reloading stuff is still relatively minority in terms of sales, so those items would rapidly drop off the bottom of the sales pages,while the other items like firearms wpuld get bumped regularly.
Please don't make us trawl through millions of posts in the fac sales section just to find a bit of reloading kit!![]()
Last edited by strebblo; 14-07-2013 at 10:41 AM. Reason: Sperring
Life is short, remember - Carpae Dentum ...
so is this the end ,NO sales section for reloading,
it can not be that hard to add one to the reloading page,
seems like people are not taking much notice of your no sales on reloading page,
a reloading sales section would be a good idear,
The reason being that there are no other more logical places it will be seen.
Moreover, anyone wanting too sell or find re-loading kit knows where to look.
Like you say, not a lot of folk paying attention, particularly as the link to the post is doing it's job, re-loaders are still seeing the link "in the re-loading section" and following it.
All in all a great way of self burdening by the mods while those posting sales or wanted in the most logical place still get the desired effect.
Yarp...well thought through![]()
I'm a maggot in another life you know
I'm new to this site and I have read that some sales have been creeping into the reloading section, which i thought was the sales section. I was wondering if there is a sales section where I can buy guns and scopes or where is the best place for me to look?