If you get stuck for repairs (importer apparently not much use for either)or custom parts M9 Engineering makes them
I might get one myself soon.
Old thread i know but is anybody still shooting a taurus ?, any regrets / tales of woe or would you buy one again ?
If you get stuck for repairs (importer apparently not much use for either)or custom parts M9 Engineering makes them
I might get one myself soon.
Thanks, think im sorted now.
I’ve recently got one in .38/.357, only shot it once so far, love it though, really good to shoot and surprisingly accurate.
Just starting to develop my loads for it.
15-22/CZ 457/Taurus 66/Buckmark/Marlin 1894/Ruger mark iii
ihave had a 38/357 since they were first on sale in this country.have fired thousands of rounds through it.very accurate and never needed parts just routine cleaning.excellent gun..
more guns than you can shake a stick at!
Put me down for one if they ever go into production..
V-MACH, HW 95 / Venom AA Pro-Elite / V-MACH TX200 HC / SFS HW 99 SNIPE & IMP / URAGAN 2 / FX Impact / HW100 FSB / Daystate Wolverine R / FAC FX / Sako Finnfire / CZ Varmint / CZ American / CZ 512 / Ruger 10/22 / Browning Buckmark / Taurus LBR / Tikka T3X SV .223.
I've got the .44 mag in stainless the mk2 with the ventilated rib the early ones didn't, and yes its a lump I've had it many years and wouldn't sell it had no issues with its very accurate off a bag at 50m
I shoot both 38 and 22 and reckon that with handloads I'm shooting my 38 for about half the ammo price of 22. You can't really take the reloading time into account cos it is a hobby aint it?
Not known for making political comments.
I have a Taurus in 22lr. Love it! It’s factory original only mod being me trimming the end off the coat hanger arm which is ridiculous to shoot with (don’t worry it’s still the correct length!). I have noticed recently the timing is slightly out when shooting double action. So I’ll have to drop it over to Alan Westlake to sort out along with installing a much better arm at the rear. I put a rail on it and use a micro red dot which is great. The only thing it needs is a speed loader, but the ones that I’ve seen are for 8 shot Taurus’s. I’ve been using a straight flexible rubber strips for quicker reloads which works well, but an actual cylinder shaped speed reloaded (HKS style) would be more ideal.
I have a 45acp version as well, which was tricked out by a comp shooter before I bought it and it is wonderful. Trigger, high vis sights, moon clips and very accurate. 45 makes a nice whole which is always very satisfying. I wouldn’t change a thing about it.
I have a 357 Alfa Proj, which is nice and light. I’m looking at target grips for it, as I find the grips a bit small at the mo. Again might take it to Alan to sort out, since I bought it from him a few years ago now. A rail would also be nice, but I don’t think this is an option for ‘em.
A few chaps down the range have the 357 Taurus and like it, but I’ve never felt the need to get one, as I have two already. I have noticed chaps using very hot factory loads in 357 which always makes me wince when I’m RO! I’m sure the frames will give out at some point!! I tend to use home loads in 357 or factory 38spl for my Alfa.
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