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Thread: A 10m rifle book that hits the target

  1. #1
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    Sep 2013

    A 10m rifle book that hits the target

    Though I would share this, RobinC on here has always helped us out when we all get our nickers in a twist about out shooting - and in private PM's too! I'm sure many of us have said to him over the years he should write a book on 10m rifle shooting, well he has and for six months now I've been working through it and having a go at rifle and I'm really a pistol shooter! You know what it works! If you get the chance to get hold of one it may just work for you. Written in a direct manner unlike most instruction type books and aimed at starting out and aspiring 10m rifle shooters.

    Nice one Robin hope you are not too embarrassed by this but I am one of yer fans.


  2. #2
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    Indeed, 3 copies artived from Robin, which he kindly posted on the return from his travels, 2 of which are on their way to the club tonight. I'm having the 3rd!

    We don't often get the chance to share the experience of such a learned shooter, so get your copy while they are available!

    Kind regards,

    I now have so many airguns I've had to make a list, which is >>HERE<<
    >>Classic Air Pistol Association<<
    >>North Manchester Target Club<<

  3. #3
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    Title pleas

    sounds like something I need! Can you let me know the title please


  4. #4
    RobinC's Avatar
    RobinC is offline Awesome Shooting Coach and Author.
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    Thank's for the kind words, it's imaginativly titled "Air Rifle Target Shooting" by Robin Carter, and its self published by me. It was written to specifically help newcommers into 10 air rifle and targeted to get shooters from zero to a 90 average, but I use the same techniques to develop shooters to reach the highest levels.

    Its not on the NSRA website yet but it is on display and in stock at the NSRA shop at Bisley, the RMTC club (Zooma) at Rossendale has a few in stock for the North, and if you e mail me at I can supply direct by post.

    have Fun and Good Shooting,
    Last edited by RobinC; 23-09-2016 at 11:38 AM.
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  5. #5
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    Rossendale and Formby
    RMTC had some of the very first copies of this book and so we were privileged to be amongst the first to read them and have found them to be a superb reference for the beginner to 10 meter air rifle shooting and of great benefit to those who have had to be "self-taught" due to the lack of any qualified or experienced instruction locally.

    Robin has written this book in a friendly and easy to read format with some humour that makes it good to work with and contrasts sharply with some of the rather high-brow and "stuffy" alternatives that do little to encourage the beginner or average clubman to return to the pages and improve.

    A nice detail is the the spiral binding that allows the page to remain flat when open and so it is very practical to use and refer to.

    This book has a no-nonsense approach that can take a relative amateur to match rifle shooting with an air rifle ( such as myself) up to a far better standard.

    Anyone who has the dedication to apply themselves totally to this books advice can go from zero to an average of 90 ex 100 at 10 meters - no mean feat.

    Some have chosen to "cherry pick" the bits they find the most helpful, and whilst not achieving their full potential they have made enough gains to confirm that the advice is sound and that it works - enough to go back and take on board the rest of the books information at a later date perhaps?

    Many of the existing rifle shooting books assume you are already at a fairly good level and offer the necessary fine tuning to take you onwards to an even higher (international) level of shooting - but they are not as good as this book to most of us that just want to improve and understand how and why things work.

    Highly recommended and inexpensive to buy
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  6. #6
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    Dec 2015

    Air Rifle Target Shooting by Robin Carter.

    This is a great guide book for all of us who need to start from the basics. A book that doesn't just tell you what to do it tells you why. Clear and simple explanations and advice to help us develop in our hobby.
    Paul B.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Hello to All,

    I have just got a copy of Robin's book.

    I would like to say a big thank you to Robin for writing this book

    (Being coach-less, I started off in the 1980s with A.A. Yur'Yev's book, and that was pretty much it until MEC published its series of volumes on rifle & pistol shooting.)

    Robin's book is absolutely superb, and in my opinion, has to be considered a 'must read' for air rifle target shooters.

    Have fun & a good Sunday

    Best regards


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Post Robins Best Seller


    Many thanks for producing the book. I'm slowly ploughing my way through it.
    A lot of your coaching ideas (tips) are also very relevant to not only people that shoot 10m but also those like myself that shoot light weight sporting rifle.

    Well worth the read.

    ,AA , Magtech , Arnie, Sako, Ruger . plus the others .

  9. #9
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    I PMed RobinC a few years ago when I was stuck in Div 5 of my league with a score of around 160/200 and wanting to do better. There were few good coaches in my own 10m club. Robin offered to give me tips and I later had two sessions with him face to face.

    I ended the next season winning Div 1 of the Middlesex and my last match that season produced a score of 191/200.

    RobinC's book is excellent, it has to be. This man knows his stuff and he doesn't bullshit.

    His wife is an excellent shot as well. Cleaned up recently in an international full bore competition in Austria, top lady shot, top guest - beating some Olympic shots on their home turf. She must has a superb coach

    This is a seriously helpful book guys....... If you're serious about your shooting.

  10. #10
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    RobinC is offline Awesome Shooting Coach and Author.
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    Quote Originally Posted by B&W FOX View Post

    Many thanks for producing the book. I'm slowly ploughing my way through it.
    A lot of your coaching ideas (tips) are also very relevant to not only people that shoot 10m but also those like myself that shoot light weight sporting rifle.

    Well worth the read.

    No Problem John,

    My wife also shot 300 mt fullbore three positional many years ago, and she used the same stance, position and technique, I have also coached some LSR shooters and use the same techniques and position with some pretty stunning results as the targets are easier!

    PS. Recently done a reprint, both the NSRA shop, and I, now have them in stock.

    Good shooting
    Last edited by RobinC; 22-10-2016 at 08:01 AM.
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  11. #11
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    Feb 2014
    Congratulations Robin in producing such an excellent book - very readable with a detailed guide to all aspects of the discipline.
    My principal target discipline was air 10m pistol until recently when I developed a 'frozen' right shoulder and reverted to 10m air rifle which, until then, I had not taken too seriously mainly due to my lack of progress in achieving scores much above 160 ex 200.
    I am now about 3/4 of the way through the book and will start attempting to put all this into practice while ignoring all my acquired bad habits/techniques!

  12. #12
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    Anyone that has not got a copy of this excellent book yet will be pleased to know that Robin has had a few more printed - so now would be a good time to send him a PM if you would like to buy one.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  13. #13
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    May 2016

    Air Rifle Target Shooting by Robin Carter

    May I add my thanks to Robin for writing such a helpful and informative book. I've read it several times and learn something new on each reading. Robin is to be congratulated for using plain, easy-to-understand language – a huge asset when describing sophisticated techniques. It's undoubtedly helped me to achieve higher scores.

  14. #14
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    nr Cupar

    An Excellent Book

    I've had a copy of Robins book for several weeks. I've found the most effective way to use it is like a manual I. E. reading short sections and putting each into practice.
    A lot of practice. Sort of building up technique from the ground up.
    It's an enjoyable experience.

  15. #15
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    RobinC is offline Awesome Shooting Coach and Author.
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    In Stock

    Thanks every one for your kind support, although the NSRA have not updated their website, they do have the book in stock at the Bisley shop, and I do have a small stock left, although I'm now considering another reprint.

    The procedes go towards our work mentoring young hopefuls, and we shall be at Bisley next Saturday with one of them at the Surrey open.

    Thanks every one,
    Good shooting
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

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