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Thread: Hft

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    Newcastle upon Tyne


    Would love to learn a bit more about HFT shooting, what scope range usually suits this and would my MTX Cobra 4-16x50 be ample or would a longer zoom be more beneficial?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Devizes Wilts (when it gets too hot)
    It's not really a suitable scope for HFT but that's because its 50mm objective makes the depth-of-field too small. As you cannot adjust your scope at all during the competition you need to have as great a range of distances in focus as possible and 44mm is the normal maximum. Similarly, too large a magnification reduces the depth of field and few people will use greater than 10x. For as long as I can remember the classic HFT scope has been a fixed 10x40 but there's now a new reasonably-priced 10x32 that might be popular in the future. That does not mean that zooms scopes can't be used and I used either a 3-12x40 or 4.5-15x44 scope for the bulk of my HFT comps.

    Of course, if you really meant FT rather than HFT then you can ignore all the above.
    Also, with maximum ranges of 55 yards and 45 yards respectively, neither really qualifies as 'long range'
    Last edited by Snapshot; 10-10-2020 at 02:49 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    Thanks, so then asks the question whats the difference between HFT and FT?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Your scope will get you going but as above, most go with a smaller objective size.
    1/2 mildot scopes (or those based on similar spacing) help a lot with aim points (hold over / under).
    Have a read through the sections on the link below. Loads of helpful advice.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Devizes Wilts (when it gets too hot)
    Quote Originally Posted by Japster View Post
    Thanks, so then asks the question whats the difference between HFT and FT?
    FT is generally shot with even more specialised guns and much larger scopes.
    Adjusting the scope is permitted so large magnifications are used to range-find the target precisely then a smaller magnification used to take the shot.
    Targets are generic metal plates rather than quarry-shaped.
    Sitting on a beanbag is a normal shooting position for FT but not allowed in HFT.
    Maximum distance is 55 yards rather than 45.
    Shots are taken from within a 'gate' rather than from in contact with a peg.
    Scoring is 1 for knockdown else zero.
    Anything I've forgotten.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    Thanks lads

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