This year people have done a lot of reflecting on life, as a result of the virus and how it has changed our daily lives, so here is a question.

This is prompted by me reflecting on all the wonderful guns that I have passed up on throughout my collecting career, due to a fundamental lack of cash.

So here is the question. Would unlimited financial resources hinder or help your collecting career ?

My thoughts are as follows - Yes - initially of course it would help on the pure issue of buying more guns. But if those guns came too easily, without effort - would you enjoy them so much? To me, part of the joy of collecting, is the dreaming, the desire, the thrill of the hunt, the longing to get that particularly rare model, that has always been just out of reach. The sleeping, living, breathing the thought's of someday laying your hands on the prize etc etc.

If you had endless money to chuck at the hobby, all of those things and loads more would cease to be an issue, you could just outbid everyone and get what ever you wanted, as soon as you wanted it. Surely that would remove so much of the fun out of the hobby, and it would stop being a pleasure ?

Guess we can all dream, but I would be interested in hearing your views.

