I'd recommend buy a decent checked out secondhand for 3 reasons. Its cheaper (to free your budget for other things such as a air tank), its already sorted/run in from little gremlins as a manufacturer's warranty in itself is not bug free, and importantly, as you are new to pcp, sometimes it takes a few ownership to really find a gun fitting your your needs.

Buying sensibly at secondhand prices means you can always sell it on for the same money with little to no loss. The reason why this is important is that all the gun recommendations are great but guns are very personally from how it looks, handle and feel. and work. What is accurate for one is not accurate enough for another. What is big for one is small for another.

I have 'treated' myself to a few new guns before and they nearly all have to go back. Yes there is the 'safety' of a warranty but that in itself will dent your confidence in the equipment.

Go down to your local club. Nearly all club members are most sociable and will be happy to let you have a go with their guns.