Sorry Tony, couldn’t resist

It’s another huge pat on the back for Nick, basically. It has the cocking effort of my HW30 (possibly even a bit less due to stroke length) and is as easy to shoot as my BSA Cadet.
Ultra quick cycle but also hugely soft without being bouncy. Definitely comparable to the tiny little 30.
There’s absolute minimal sight picture movement. To put that in context, we were watching the pellet flight at 30 yard targets, at 10x mag in wooded areas...
We tried the 20mm (or Mk99 as we called it) in cold conditions, in two very different stocks (including a sporter which was held in by a single bolt), shot it from various positions, with various ammo, in gusting winds and it performed flawlessly - and this is after Nick has banged it over the chrono for a few hundred rounds. I stacked four pellets on top of each other from a fairly informal sitting position at just over 30 yards.
We switched rifles several times (Nicks 20mm against my 21mm) and there was a very noticeable difference between the two. This isn’t rubbishing his 21mm setup, I’ll still be keeping that in mine as it’s rock solid stable and hits what I point it at (despite me taking it out from the house that Sarah heats to around 50degrees). It’s just that this new one is, well - nicer to shoot.

Nick, hats off to you, mate. A job brilliantly done - and thanks again for a great day out.
Best, Craig.