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Thread: El-cheapo Artemis PR-900 - the mule

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  1. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    On the contrary, i find it real interesting to notice the differences, and i bet we can all learn from comparing notes.
    I´ll update on the PR-900 soon enough, and in turn there will shortly be posts on that P15 and on the Hatsan BT-65 of mine too.

    To go hunt here all you do is pass a "hunters exam". This is handled by authorized examinators and with such a paper/exam in hand you get to apply for a permit for any hunting rifle. This permit is for life. This has been handled by our police, but ppl in general are starting to get REAL tired of their crap as far as permits, where a permit can take three months to get approved for no apparent reason what so ever. Just pure simple obstruction, in direct contrast vs what the law says. Quid pro quo i guess.
    (Me i´ve just put in for a permit on an old blackpowder repeater.. since november, not a word yet. This for competition/target use only though as black powder is prohibited for use when hunting. TBH i don´t expect to hear one yota til february..)

    As far as i´ve understood (?) in contrast to you guys in turn we still can own full caliber handguns, as well as full auto rifles for competition too. There´s approx 10 million of us and approx 2 million guns. Gone down quite a bit since the early 90´s when the same number was approx 4,5 million guns on permit.

    Sweden is a vast country, and so is thus our outdoors. Hunting IS allowed on public land, it comes down to who gets the lease. In my case my former mother in law keep rather large areas so.. not an issue.
    In turn i´ve got a piece of land for free to hunt boar not far from the shop and them critters have become a nuisance to the point where the residents just about pulls out the red carpet for hunters that show up.
    Hunting is part of the Swedish essence however, so politicians and what have you not would 100% quickly be out of office for whoever dares even touching that.. Kind of like, "everyone" has had moose meat on the plate.. just take my word for it. Hunter or no, no matter.

    I live on the southern west coast and around here the two species that form an "issue" is indeed wild boar and rough deer. They not only infest ppls gardens and what not (not to speak of farmers), they are WAY WAY over represented in traffic issues and what not too.

    Sweden is a rather large country, as far as area, while there´s only 10mill of us. Up north you to this day can take a walk and walk for days without running into a living soul. That said go figure on wildlife

    As for PCP i for one believe we´re just at the threshold of using them for hunting. Albeit we by tradition see most "air guns" as small caliber low on power guns/toys that IS changing and we see the advent of guns we´d never believe like just 10yrs ago. Very very exciting to be around to experience that! FX, to us, of course a big part of that. In country though there´s other rather known PCP builders/developers more than just Mr Axelsson and crew.

    Here an example of that. To large part a rip off of the FX 2000 way back. Beautiful piece of kit though. It is an "AirGuns of Sweden". Aka AGoS short eight.

    As far as i recall only 200 were made. That there No 19 and TBH i regret selling it.

    As it looks right now however there´s a German fellow you might be aware of by the name of Jörgen Sprave. He runs the "Slingshot channel" on YT. In an effort to round German law (their firearms law are rather strict since WWII) he´s currently trying to get the Chinese made AEA Challenger bullpup 50 approved by German authorities as sub 7,5 Joule gun. This by the implement of a physical restriction by the air tank AND getting it approved to fire rubber balls!
    I´m on that mailing list and the day it gets approved.. TAKE MY MONEY!
    In "full steam spacemachine" mode that thing has been tuned beyond 1000J.. AEA at the moment spitting out new models like they were going out of style..
    So yeah. I truly believe that PCP guns will become an ALTERNATIVE to powder burners in the near future. Around here you already can get a permit for one completely unrestricted, but as stated most simply don´t bother..
    These guns are of course not abused, hence no issue. Regard them as "garden guns" of old times if you wish.

    Ditto. As i wrote elsewhere my real pinpoint is blackpowder arms, and i compete with them and what not.
    Britain. Again. What can i say? LOL
    Don´t know how many of you that are that into your own firearms history, but suffice it to say that with the Whitworth rifle (and in fact a few Purdeys at the time) the schedule was redrawn. In one blow there in the mid/late 1850 you guys changed how we manufacture small arms for all time.
    Went from being able to hit stuff at say 250 meters to be able to do it at 2000 yards. With a muzzle loader. So yes. I´m a lucky enough sod to own and campaign several such so called "451 era" rifles, the Whitworth being the crown of them i guess.

    Well. Me blabbering amidst night!
    So next Q i guess is self explainatory. What prey IS there in the UK as a whole?
    Last edited by Racing; 21-01-2022 at 03:02 AM.

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