Quote Originally Posted by enfield2band View Post
I would find another GP. I used medcert. For several weeks I heard nothing from them and they did not answer e-mails. I found the address of their London office where they are registered and I wrote to them. I stated that if I do not receive the completed medical form I will be taking action to recover the £50 paid.
A few days later I received the said completed from. It was wrong. It had a non-existent address on it and would not have been accepted by the police. It was returned and one with the correct address was sent. However, their information on my medical history was wrong and they would not correct it.
When it was beginning to look like I would not receive the medical report from medcert I applied to my GP again and got one from him. (He was busy because of Covid the first time I requested it). This arrived from my GP a couple of days after the medcert one. The information on the one from my GP was correct.
To avoid any confusion I sent both medical reports to the police with a covering letter.

When the Government made it law to provide a medical report they should have made it law for the GP to do it. I think they knew it would cause problems that is why they did not.
I think you are correct, if 'they' can make it as difficult as possible for people to shoot then 'they' are hoping people pack it in, same goes for the proposed lead ban, If you can't legislate against it maybe you can stop it in other ways? Sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory I know....

By the way, there are 2 surgeries in the village where I live and enquiries have shown that both are much the same regarding medical letters. At the moment I am between a rock and a hard place due to an ongoing medical condition but hopefully this will change sooner rather than later.