Hi Everyone,
Round 6 of this year's Sussex Interclub HFT is booked for Sunday the 24th of July at Horsham HFT Club
The site address is,
The Colgate end of Tower Road
RH12 4SX
The competition is open to all safe shooters with sub 12ft/lb air rifles from any of the five hosting clubs, Buxted, Ford, Horsham Hawks, Meon Valley, and Mile Oak, as well as members from our established visiting clubs, Iden Fern, MAD and Bisley.
Other individuals are also very welcome to join us.
Gates will open at 8.00am with booking in commencing at 9.00am.
The shoot will start at 10.00am after a safety briefing scheduled for around 9.50am. You must attend the safety briefing if you intend to shoot in the competition. Please remember: if you want to shoot with a specific person, do not leave booking-in to the last minute as you may be disappointed!
Adults £10.00
Juniors £5.00 (under 17)
The course will be set to the current 2022 UKAHFT rules. The rules can be found on the UKAHFT web site (will post link in a reply).
Catering will be provided courtesy of the Atta, who also caters at The Oaks shoots..
Parking will be in either of our two car parks. You will be directed by a club member. When the first car park is full, we will close it off by placing a traffic cone at the gate. Please do not move this or attempt to park there if the cone is in evidence. The second car park is about 50 yards down the road. A sign will be placed outside the car park that is to be used.
Dogs are not permitted on site.
If you have any questions then please feel free to ask, we are here to help!
All the best
Derek 🙂