I just had a productive morning turning loads of donated water pipes and flashing into around a hundred one pound bars of lovely soft lead. Tomorrow I might transmute some of it into gold (or Green) and go on holiday.
Not known for making political comments.
While the possibility of a lead ban exists it is not a foregone conclusion yet. You seem to be giving up too easily.
It is the EU that wants the lead ban. The Tory Government want to impliment the same ban under the guise of the HSE.
We are in fact still under the control of the EU. BREXIT gave the Government the right to change existing EU legilslation IF it wants to and can refuse new laws from the EU IF it wants to.
If it had not been for the introduction of central heating most of us would still be drinking water coming through lead pipes.
This is NOT an environment issue it is a disarmament policy.
FACE has launched a legal challenge to this. If they win and the EU cannot ban lead will the UK Government continue with the ban? I think they will that is why they are hiding behind the HSE.
It is possible that our the Gun Trade Association may launch a legal challenge as well, along with everyone else in the trade affected by this.
The EU also wants to classify lead as "Substance of high concern" If that comes in it will mean no one in Europe including the Uk will be allowed to possess lead. Historical ammunition collections will have to be handed in and sea fishing weights will be banned, so it is imperative that this draconian ban is challenged.
Liz Truss reckons she will chuck out all EU rules if she becomes PM.
Not known for making political comments.
Certainly supportive but written in 2016 and plenty of time for politicians to change their tune.
Not known for making political comments.
I recieved a questionaire regarding shooting and the use of lead from NSRA last week, My feelings are that the more of us shooters who answer these things the more likely our voice will be heard.
However I did stress a point that due to the cost of lead ball and we BP shooters being what we are, the majority of us pick up our lead from the buttstop at end of shooting each time and take it home to recycle into more ball for us to reuse.
Hence the 90% recovery of spent lead which the EU were wanting to enforce is easily reached any time I go shooting a BP Gun.
I also questioned what might be the thoughts for people who collect old cartridges, maybe a box or two of any said calibre which has a far greater collector value than would be seen by shooting it so not a chance of it being fired and entering any water course.
Try this link for NSRA Position Statement
Good Deals with Mikewaring, ggggr, watchsapart, Majex45, Nhill, zebedee71,Eredel,Hawksthorn,Red Bob, Stanbridge,Barrow_Matt,Mr.Fixit-Norm, turbo33 .atb thankyou all Neil