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Thread: Rekord trigger help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Rekord trigger help

    Hi have a hw 77 I’m having problems cock gun have to really push cocking leave really hard for trigger to engage safety catch will sometimes engage and other times will not I have 2 hw77 and I swapped triggers over so know there is something wrong with trigger trigger seams fine working it by hand off gun I have also tried cocking gun out of stock and it still dose the same have tried to adjust both screws on trigger but still dose the same can any one help please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Rekord trigger help

    There is a little tab at the rear of the trigger casing,compere it to the trigger that works,the tab might be bent.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Minor Hill, TN, USA
    If its an older version, the grease solidifies and makes the safety stick sometimes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Quote Originally Posted by wil95k View Post
    There is a little tab at the rear of the trigger casing,compere it to the trigger that works,the tab might be bent.

    The cause of many a hair-pulling-out session.
    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hi thanks for replies I took trigger unit off my other hw77 and made sure tab at rear were exactly the same would this make gun hard to cock cause have to really yank back with cocking leaver just to cock the thing sear dose not engage if I don’t I have watch the trigger while trying to cock gun and nothing happens in the trigger unit unless I really yank back on underleaver safety dose sometimes engage depending on how hard I pull leaver back cleaned out trigger with solvent spray then regreased yes think it is older model my other hw77 is totally different to cock thanks

  6. #6
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mac1 View Post
    Hi thanks for replies I took trigger unit off my other hw77 and made sure tab at rear were exactly the same would this make gun hard to cock cause have to really yank back with cocking leaver just to cock the thing sear dose not engage if I don’t I have watch the trigger while trying to cock gun and nothing happens in the trigger unit unless I really yank back on underleaver safety dose sometimes engage depending on how hard I pull leaver back cleaned out trigger with solvent spray then regreased yes think it is older model my other hw77 is totally different to cock thanks
    You can get a similar experience if the middle sear is a fraction too close to the top sear, hard to explain, but obvious when you see it. If this is something that has just started to happen it could be indicative of some damage.

    I’d start with flushing out the old grease and re-lubing though.

    If you don’t get any further forward with this I’d be happy to have a look at the unit itself, they aren’t particularly difficult triggers to work on.

  7. #7
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    North Wales
    Not sure if you've tried the other trigger in troublesome action. If not it maybe the action mainspring is coil bound requiring extra force to latch the rod.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post

    The cause of many a hair-pulling-out session.
    yes I know I had a 80 ones safety was a nightmare on it they are good triggers when they are working properly cheers mate

  9. #9
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lightning22 View Post
    You can get a similar experience if the middle sear is a fraction too close to the top sear, hard to explain, but obvious when you see it. If this is something that has just started to happen it could be indicative of some damage.

    I’d start with flushing out the old grease and re-lubing though.

    If you don’t get any further forward with this I’d be happy to have a look at the unit itself, they aren’t particularly difficult triggers to work on.
    will have another go mate but if you could take a look for me that would be great would pay you thanks for your help mate

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by deejayuu View Post
    Not sure if you've tried the other trigger in troublesome action. If not it maybe the action mainspring is coil bound requiring extra force to latch the rod.
    No mate it’s deffo trigger cause I put the trigger unit in my other hw77 and it dose the same thing thanks for that

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mac1 View Post
    will have another go mate but if you could take a look for me that would be great would pay you thanks for your help mate
    No worries, just cover postage and any parts needed (unlikely) and it’ll be good.

    Drop me a PM if you get to that point.

  12. #12
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lightning22 View Post
    No worries, just cover postage and any parts needed (unlikely) and it’ll be good.

    Drop me a PM if you get to that point.
    thanks mate I appreciate it will do

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Cambridge UK
    I post this just in case ... it is from my notes and was put on here some time ago:
    I post this in the hope it may be of use to someone as the safety pin and trigger housing tang crops up from time to time. The notes are ones I compiled for my own file but I cannot guarantee they solve all trigger issues:
    Some time ago I bought a s/h MK1 (c. 1984, no abt) HW77 in .22. Nothing special but the price was cheap, although I can’t remember how much. It shot quite well but I had noticed a need to overcome some roughness/notchiness at the end of the cocking stroke. The safety worked OK.
    But today I thought I would have a look and trace this notchiness as it should not be there… a click as the latch rod engages and the safety pops into action is OK but notchiness, no.
    An initial strip gave no obvious clues although the safety pin spring was deformed and looked like a home made crude replacement. I found a suitable new one. There is no anti-bear trap on this 1984 MK1 vintage. I removed the mainspring, pleased to see it was in good condition, as was piston and seal. I rebuilt the action minus the mainspring and set it in a vice to watch the cocking action. All was smooth except at the end of the cocking stroke where an extra tug was needed to set the trigger and safety. Out came the trigger block again and I reassembled without the safety pin… no notchiness, very smooth. So the issue was the safety. There was nothing wrong with the pin and the new spring and it moved smoothly in the cylinder. So … to the trigger. I noticed that the tang in the trigger housing that engages with the safety pin was somewhat deformed and the c. 6mm deep x 2mm wide slot visible in the trigger frame was certainly bent out of true; wider at the open top than down into the frame itself. With the aid of a small vice I straightened the slot and using pliers, bent the tang back into shape. There were some score marks on the tang which I smoothed out with a file. On cocking the trigger manually I could now see the tang was about 0.5mm away from the side of the rear sear whereas before it was just clearing the sear on cocking.
    On replacing the trigger housing with the safety pin in place but minus mainspring, the cocking cycle was as it should be, smooth and the safety pin worked as it should with the trigger releasing the latch rod. Reassembly with mainspring followed and some test shots fired. Excellent result; notchiness gone, all smooth.
    My conclusion is that at some point there was interference between the safety pin and rear sear during the cocking action, possibly due to the naff safety pin spring. This led to increased force being needed to cock the action which in turn led to deformity of the tang which made the situation worse … etc etc.
    While doing this I took a few measurements that may be of interest:
    The Safety Pin: Overall is 33.95mm long. Working from the thin pin end:
    This thin indicator end is 2.9mm diameter x 9mm long (can be longer, but not shorter)
    The centre barrel is 6.95mm long x 5.9mm diameter
    The centre thin section is 5mm long x 2.45mm diameter
    The end you push is 13mm long (can be longer but not shorter) x 5.9mm diameter
    The hole in the action for the ‘push’ is 6mm.
    Screw sizes: Forend stock screws M5 thread x 12mm pan head slotted
    Front trigger guard M7 x 30mm pan head
    Rear trigger guard M4 x 10mm cnsk

    Cheers, Phil

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    North Wales
    I realise you've checked the frame tab but double check 8.75 mm across, outside to outside and side play in intermediate sear. Had more than a couple that were fouling top of intermediate sear against the tab.
    Last edited by deejayuu; 11-08-2022 at 08:56 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2011
    A few miles east of Nottingham
    Quote Originally Posted by mac1 View Post
    No mate it’s deffo trigger cause I put the trigger unit in my other hw77 and it dose the same thing thanks for that
    Have you tried another trigger in the 77?

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