Hi All,

I recently purchased a Kral NP02, I will admit it was a bit of a knee-jerk decision and while I like the rifle I am not sure I can live with it.

I have a couple of issues. the Pull length is a bit much for me and quite uncomfortable, I have seen a 3d printed solution but not sure I want that strapped to the rifle bottle, i know i should have tried it first but it is what it is now.

The second issue is the weight, it seems overly heavy for what it is, although it does have a heavy scope on it.

I had thought about removing the rear bottle and fitting the NP03 stock, but to do this I will need to remove the copper tube from the front chamber that goes to the rear bottle, if anyone knows what size fitting i can use to seal where the copper tube went previously, I am not concerned about a lower shot count.

I also would like to regulate it, I can buy a regulator for the np03 that I am assuming will fit in place, if not then swap the front chamber for the np03 version.

I must stress I do not want the power to change I am very conscious of that.

I appreciate it is likely cheaper just to swap the rifle out, which is another option, but there is some fun in customising it.

Any help or thoughts would be fantastic.