Keep a load of paper cartridge guns, rifles mainly.

For the revolvers though i tend to use vials and just to it the old fashioned way.

Rifles, a different matter.
As far as paper, tried them all it feels like and have come to rest using regular baking paper. Yes, the sort used in the kitchen. This basically burns and leaves no residue.
Use regular paper glue to form the cartridges on a mandrel.

Have made a number for revolvers too, and to be of use these need to be rather conical in shape (this goes for several of the rifles too but.. yeah). Rifles get away with way less conical shape of the mandrel though.

For some of the rifles we´ve ditched paper all together and use jumbo straws. No, that´s not a misprint. For the French 45cal Chassepot for instance jumbo straws works golden and cuts time down making them it´s nothing short of insane.

An important note on paper cartridge rifles.
Since we´ve started using so called bore-rider pills the difference in accuracy to be had is staggering, to say the least. As the bore-rider hands these cartridges a point of reference.. BIG difference.