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Thread: Antiques on/off ticket.

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Liskeard, Cornwall
    @ Silvaa

    Yes you have to apply for the variation and pay unless it is a "One on one off".

    If you decide you no longer want to shoot it, or indeed want to sell it you simply have to send a written statement to the police saying you are no longer shooting it. I would assume you can then apply for a vaariation for something different and on the same basis "One on one off" you do not have to pay.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Melton Mowbray

    Antiques on/off ticket.

    I have in the past done this with little or no problems just a few questions to ensure they are section 58?, would I put 1 on my ticket in today's political climate, that would be a BIG NO, on ticket, they will reduce in value by 1/3 to 1/2 that's if you can find someone who wants 1 on ticket, sadly not many of us left these days.
    I think someone has already mentioned that ALL LIVE AMMO is on ticket, section 58 does not cover this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by Otley View Post
    If you put an obsolete calibre antique on to your FAC, does it need to be in a locked cabinet?
    Yes because it’s fac registered.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Lawyersden View Post
    Yes because it’s fac registered.
    And all of a sudden it's on the Police Data Base...

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Valleys of South Wales
    Quote Originally Posted by BaskervilleDog View Post
    And all of a sudden it's on the Police Data Base...
    That’s the one. One quick change in the law and you’ve lost it.
    Not known for making political comments.

  6. #21
    keith66 is offline Optimisic Pessimist Fella
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    All it takes is one quick change in the law & you have lost a section 58 anyway, Seven cartridges that previously were regarded as section 58 obsolete calibres were recently removed from that list, there was a six month transition period after which pistols chambering them they moved from sect 58 to section 5 or 7(1)
    They could be retained on an fac if old enough.
    I wonder how many pistols of those calibres simply "disapeared" in that transition period?.
    I wouldnt worry about it, if you have a section 58 rifle or shotgun you want to shoot & have a slot for it on your ticket go ahead.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    I know of a local RFD who was making quite a 'killing' with Colt SAA's chambered in .41", I believe that this is one of the calibers that was removed? Much as I would love an original SAA the £3K price tag would certainly put me off!
    My next purchase (one day) will be an original Colt 1860 Army. Trouble is now retirement has crept up on me, saving £1500+ is proving difficult!

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