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Thread: Electronic targets in clubs

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueAngel57 View Post
    I use a Meyton with 22 rifle, wizzers with paper on 10m AP.
    I’ll be honest, I’d rather keep iPads & printers away from shooting.
    Yes, it’s helpful seeing where every shot goes, but it’s another step away from the simplicity I enjoy.
    There's something to be said for that. The main driver is competition and preparing for competition. If you're competing on electronics, then its nice to train on the same thing. For sure, you can train on paper - that works and I've done it. But fort hose competing seriously you want to train how you compete. Also, for decimal scoring events you can't easily estimate your decimal performance on paper targets.

    At competitions, it chops hours out the schedule if you can post a list of results a minute after the last shot is fired, compared with having to collect targets, score them by hand, compile results, entertain challenges, etc. This lets you get on with finals sooner. Of course electronics do add organisational complexity, so having a bod who knows how to drive them is vital.

    But by the same token I've been stood for 40minues at small open meetings (<50 people) where scoring was finished and three people were clustered round a badly-formatted spreadsheet trying to work out who had won the ancillary matches (Ladies/Veterans/Juniors, who had the highest 100yd score from the Double Dewar, etc).

    And they still got the presentation wrong and a couple of trophies had to be relinquished and handed to the right person... simplicity ain't all it's cracked up to be sometimes!
    Last edited by Hemmers; 02-05-2023 at 02:02 PM.
    "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." Sigmund Freud
    Shooting is my meditation

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Having decimal scoring for rifle is critical for us as is not having to score cards continually, we know we could get a reader or at a push used an app (app not sanctioned for comp use). Totally agree with getting the right team and admin in place for opens, like you found some have it licked while others struggle rather a lot at times.
    Is your SQ system behaving itself Hemmers.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Here at Balerno & Currie (Edinburgh) we used to have a 4-lane 10m facility using paper targets in a range originally designed for 25 yard smallbore shooting. A few years a go a kind benefactor donated us a load of money and we bought 4 Meytons. These are used by our AP and AR shooters for both training and postal leagues. We kept two of the paper whizzers for the beginners to use, as well as having one 20 yard point shooting up the middle for 20yd sport rifle/pistol/benchrest (all using airguns).

    The whole lot can be dismantled and the range returned to rimfire 25yd shooting if required.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    From the feedback I'm getting there does seem to be a really good take up of electronic targets in clubs in Scotland, I wonder why and not so much so in England or is it just that I'm not getting that info.

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