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Thread: Left eye dominant, right handed rifle shooter?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Newbury, Berkshire

    What am I missing?

    I'm right handed left eye dominant.

    I always assumed that shooting right handed whilst shutting my left eye was the norm. I don't really understand why eye dominance is a factor if you only have one eye open. What am I missing?



  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by acdean View Post
    I'm right handed left eye dominant.

    I always assumed that shooting right handed whilst shutting my left eye was the norm. I don't really understand why eye dominance is a factor if you only have one eye open. What am I missing?


    It's preferable to have both eyes open really, but it's perfectly possible to use the non dominant eye by using a blinder. As long as the front sight is in sharp focus that's all that matters

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Took me soo long

    Sorry i know this is an old thread but i had to post it.
    Long long ago in a time far past

    I had been so dissatisfied with my shooting i wanted to bin it all and take up golf (I thought even i cant be this rubbish at something)....

    It wasn't until i heard about eye dominance which seemed it might just account my lousy accuracy and consistency.

    So yes i discovered i was Right Handed and Massively Left Eye Dominant. I had always shot from the right shoulder.
    That weekend there was a country fair 10 Clays for £10 First i shot from the right shoulder achieving a big Doughnut, Second 10 clays... 8\10

    So there it was.
    Of course learning to shoot lefty is greif, i spent about 2 months just picking up shouldering to the Left, Putting down and repeating ....
    Over and Over and Over and Over

    Dont get me wrong im nothing special but at least i get to enjoy my shooting again.
    As an aside my Daughter who is quite new, When we do the test together for her the distant object dosnt move at all (she says).
    I kept thinkig perhaps she was doing it wrong, but apparently not having an Eye dominance is pretty uncommon however is a real thing.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    When I competed in 10M there was one shooter that had offset sights that protruded to the left, similar to these.

    Interesting company, seems to be located in Leicester

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