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Thread: Left eye dominant, right handed rifle shooter?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Left eye dominant, right handed rifle shooter?

    Has any right handed shooter switched over to shooting left handed when their dominant eye is their left? This is for offhand (standing) with open sights. I appreciate there are other solutions but would like to hear from you if you have switched shoulders from right to left.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    This situation sums me up . Right handed but due to loss of right eye , I shoot left handed .
    I find an ambi rifle with right handed cocking lever works best for me .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I recall that when I was a prone shooter a few decades ago a fellow shooter had similar problem. He was right handed but he had lost almost all vision in his right eye.

    He overcame this problem by fitting, what appeared to be a miniature periscope, just a few inches long with the eyepiece protruding to the left of the rear sight assembly such that he was able to shoot right-handed as normal but sighted with his left eye and with a high degree of success if I remember correctly.

    I think they were described as off-set attachments and may have been made and marketed by Parker Hale at the time but not sure if anything similar is still available since I no longer shoot prone.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    It's not uncommon, I was brought up with a dominate right hand side, but have a left master eye. I shoot rifle and shotgun from the left shoulder but pistol right handed as with black powder...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Melton Mowbray
    I made the switch many years ago, and can't shoot from the Right now even if I wanted to, takes time but worth it, if you can't see the target you will never be a good shot.

  6. #6
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    I am pretty sure that most people can learn to shoot with weak eye and/or weak handed.

    I am and always have been right handed and right eyed. Many years ago I got a bit bored with shooting and my performance was going downhill. For grins I decided to shoot left handed and left eyed. It was most weird but with persistance it came to feel normal and my shooting improved. I switched back and for a short while that too was weird but I quickly regained my former enthusiasm and skill. In my case I think that I had re-engaged my mind with shooting but for me at least it did prove that it is possibole to shoot well with weak hand and weak eye. Sure it is easier to use the strong side but one's natural tendencies can be overcame.
    True freedom includes the freedom to make mistakes or do foolish things and bear the consequences.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Knoxville Tennessee USA
    Quote Originally Posted by AC99 View Post
    I recall that when I was a prone shooter a few decades ago a fellow shooter had similar problem. He was right handed but he had lost almost all vision in his right eye.

    He overcame this problem by fitting, what appeared to be a miniature periscope, just a few inches long with the eyepiece protruding to the left of the rear sight assembly such that he was able to shoot right-handed as normal but sighted with his left eye and with a high degree of success if I remember correctly.

    I think they were described as off-set attachments and may have been made and marketed by Parker Hale at the time but not sure if anything similar is still available since I no longer shoot prone.
    This is a very interesting discussion! I have no experience with it, but Gehmann does still make such a gadget:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    That Gehmann cross-over R/S prism illustrated in the link looks to be a more sophisticated version of that supplied by P Hale all those years ago.

    Gehmann describe it as ".......for those shooters with one defective eye wishing to shoot with the other".


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    leeds, west yorkshire
    right handed and left eye dominance since early teens.....joined navy and shot the SLR left handed and have been shooting like that ever since.
    A few years ago i tried to shoot right handed which is a pain as my right eye has blurry vision etc. it took longer to focus on a 24 mag scope with my .308 but i shot it perfectly.......different point of impact but not too far away and grouped perfectly.
    so i can shoot both handed.....i shoot revolvers right handed and play golf cack handed lol
    All my rifles are right handed too lol

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