I took the Ox out & put it next to the spring that came with the rifle.
The Ox has 34 coils, the other has 33, the ox is 267mm long (scragged) & the other is 255mm. There isn't much in it, the other spring is made of 3mm wire, so it's quite stout. The old spring is slightly bent too, I'm wondering if the spring that was in the rifle isn't the original spring, because it is also over sprung. There were no slip washers or preload spacers either, the spring guide is steel but it has to be because of what it sits on.
I'm thinking of taking an inch or more off the Ox & finding some suitable slip washers, if that doesn't work I might get a Titan spring, they have a more open coil, the N° 3 is 34 coils like the Ox but 304 mm long.
The problem is the small chamber, I want more power out of it for shooting at decent distances but not at the price of lots of recoil & twang.
On another topic, I found some Czech bud and an American IPA called "shipyard" in Lidl yesterday, yet to try them
*Just read the back of the bottle of Shipyard, made in the uk by carlsberg