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Thread: Sussex Interclub HFT 2024 - Round 3 results

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)

    Sussex Interclub HFT 2024 - Round 3 results

    Afternoon all.

    Big thanks to the crew at Buxted, perhaps specially for those of you involved in setting the course in the 2nd wood during Saturday’s less than ideal weather and to your new chef (Dave). Good work all round and much appreciated by myself and all today’s visitors.

    Turnout of 50 not bad at all given the ‘clash’ with fathers’ day and the less than clement (certainly not Summery) weather forecast.

    Relieved to say that the weather gods were kinder to us, with mostly sunshine and few clouds to block out strong sunlight – meaning so many targets in your fab woods were dappled in shade – and no sign of any precipitation at all.

    The breeze certainly did put in an appearance – a relative rarity during recent Buxted visits – and also caught peops out all over the place while it tried to make its mind up, both in direction and strength.

    Top bombing today from Sir Peal, who does seem to be settling in with that XTi, keeping him 1 point ahead of Oakie Aaron.

    Anyway …. Here are the results. If you’ve not seen (or forgotten) the results table layout, perhaps the only column not recognised from its heading is the last one – the “T”. This denotes that this person’s score has been included in their club team result.

    Firstname Surname Club Class Score % Badge T(eam)
    Charles Peal Oaks O 58 100.0% G(old) T
    Aaron Friend Oaks O 57 98.3% G T
    Howard Kalisch Buxted O 56 96.6% G T
    Roger Dibbens Oaks O 55 94.8% G T
    Kevin Hills Buxted O 55 94.8% G T
    Ewan Hobbs Iden Fern O 55 94.8% G
    Nik Orr Oaks O 55 94.8% G T
    Simon Vant Oaks O 53 91.4% S(ilver) T
    Kevin Wickson Buxted O 53 91.4% S T
    Paul Bradford Buxted V 52 89.7% G T
    Vince Guy Oaks O 52 89.7% S
    Mark Rackley Oaks V 52 89.7% G
    Dax Browning Meon Valley O 51 87.9% S T
    Jon Newton-May Buxted O 51 87.9% S
    Martin Nicholls Buxted O 51 87.9% S
    Owen Wilson Buxted R 51 87.9% G T
    Dave Barnes Meon Valley V 50 86.2% G T
    Mike Burgess Oaks V 50 86.2% G
    Tom Haynes Oaks R 50 86.2% G
    David Henderson Meon Valley V 50 86.2% G T
    Chris Theodoulou Theydon O 50 86.2% S
    Adrian Wright Meon Valley O 50 86.2% S T
    Darryle Bundock Oaks O 49 84.5% S
    Tony Johnson Barbarians V 49 84.5% G
    Dave Wade HRPC O 49 84.5% S
    Derek Watson Horsham R 49 84.5% G T
    Stefan Avey Oaks O 48 82.8% B(ronze)
    Steven Avey Oaks O 48 82.8% B
    Steve Britland Horsham O 48 82.8% B T
    Carrol Lamport Buxted O 48 82.8% B
    Paul Charman (.22) Buxted .22 47 81.0% S
    Charley Grey Ford R 47 81.0% S T
    Phil Moody Horsham V 47 81.0% S T
    Alicia Franks Oaks L 46 79.3% S
    Barry Johnson Buxted O 46 79.3% B
    Lawrence Peal Oaks O 46 79.3% B
    Justin Roberts Ford O 46 79.3% B T
    Steb Martinez Ford O 44 75.9% B T
    Paul Blaxall Meon Valley V 43 74.1% B T
    Steve Saunter Buxted Sticks 43 74.1% B
    Sean Heath Meon Valley O 42 72.4%
    David Wheeler Ford O 42 72.4% T
    Richard Wheeler Ford O 42 72.4% T
    Rob Buckell Oaks V 41 70.7% B
    Martin Cook Buxted R 40 69.0% B
    Simon Whittick Horsham Sticks 39 67.2% B T
    Martin Dudley Horsham V 38 65.5% B T
    Michael Myszyn Buxted Sticks 37 63.8%
    David Wilshaw Meon Valley R 34 58.6%
    Chris Allen Buxted O DNF 0.0%

    And the team results are:

    Club Round 3 Points Total
    Mile Oak 278 12 35
    Buxted 267 11 34
    Meon 244 10 30
    Ford 221 9 26
    Horsham 221 9 26

    If anyone notices a slight difference from the team score I read out at the end of the shoot, that was down to my own silliness – failing to correctly record the 57 of Aaron

    Today’s draw winners were:
    Bonus Bunny £50 – Kev Hills
    Air Arms Goody Bag – Vince Guy

    Can you spot any errors in this post? Have I spelt your name correctly? Do I have you down for the correct club/class? – please message me directly.

    As a reminder, SIHFT Round 4 is now just 2 weeks away, on Sunday 30th June at Meon (Hen Wood site). Full detail to follow next weekend – after I’ve recovered from 2 rounds of the 2024 UKAHFT at Meon and Bisley.

    Apart from the UKAHFT rounds noted above, I am unaware of anything happening locally. Do let us know if you know different. All/any events may be posted on our SIHFT Facebook page, on the proviso it does not actually clash with a SIHFT competition date.

    Last edited by biggles; 16-06-2024 at 06:54 PM.
    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

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