Looking for an Original 66?
I've tried on the collectors section but no replies, so trying here?
We have all the five Air rifles my wife shot with in her shooting career, from Walther LGV Spezial Junior to her final Walther LG400 expert Special in a wood Junior stock. I have just finished the restoration of her Special Original 75 that she won her first International medals with, and that's after a ten year search for it with help from people on here.
BUT, I realised we don't have her first recoiless rifle, the one that actually got her into the GB Squad before it all really started.
That was initially a new Original 65 bought in '72, then when the 66 came out in '74, we got a 66 stock only and fitted it on her 65. I accept that rifle is long gone and will be untraceable as I have no record of numbers, so unless some one has a '72 Original 65 action sat in a 66 stock, (an impossible coincidence, but if you do, then please contact me!!!), so I'm looking for one that can fill the gap in her history.
So I'm looking for an early 66, ideally dated '74, ideally with a nice patterned stock as was hers, (I have a pic of it), I'm not over bothered about the condition of the action, I accept it will be a restoration project, so guys and gals, any one have a 66 that could fit my bill?
Please contact on robin.carter80@ntlworld.com
Have Fun
Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?