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Thread: Longwater hft 25/08/24

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Longwater hft 25/08/24

    UKAHFT .22 British Open Championship with Raffle
    Longwater is proud to host the national UKAHFT .22 British Open Championship on the 29/09/24. This competition will run alongside our normal HFT shoot but special trophys will be awarded to 1st,2nd and 3rd place in the .22 class.
    sticks class will be kept in their own class regardless of caliber as per ukahft rules.

    fell free to come down and shoot the course with your .177 if you don't have a .22. this shoot will run the same as our normal club shoot.

    On the day there will be a raffle, included in the raffle will be 2 Air Arms S400s one in .177 and the other in .22 caliber. 2 CP optisan scopes donated by Norwich Gun Centre. Raffle tickets are £2.50 each. Andy Day will have a raffle ticket book for anyone wishing to purchase some at some of the local shoots and at the worlds.
    All profits from the raffle will be donated to charity.

    £10 for non-members
    £5 for members

    Plenty of hard standing car parking space, hot food and drinks will be available. But please tick that you are going to the event on Facebook so our catering team can prepare.

    Everyone is welcome. If you are new to shooting and want to have a go but don’t own a gun let us know through Facebook and we can arrange something.

    We will be doing a golden shot target in addition to the course. £1 to shoot it and people who knock it over get the pot of £1 coins.

    Safety brief at 9.45am (must attend to go on the HFT course)

    To find us enter PE31 8SR into your satnav. Turn off the B1454 onto the site road, through the trees turn left onto the track and then immediately right towards the club.
    What 3 words

    Facebook longwater air target club
    Last edited by jake; 01-09-2024 at 05:10 PM.
    HW95K, tx200 hc, hw97k, daystate mk3, hw35k, slavia, airsporter, s200, prosport

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