Aft’noon all.

For the record ….. unless you managed to fall in the river, there was “No mud at Buxted” today.

Nor was there much wind – most frustrating for the course setters, who had been wind-dancing since setting the course over several days earlier this week. Though if you dared to ignore it, or say to yourself “there’s obviously none as I cannot feel/see it”, that would likely explain some of your misses.

Anyway, big THANKS to the Buxted crew for the day, including the food wagon. Only sorry myself that I missed out on sampling a slice or three of Mrs Charman’s cakes.

In spite of the above comments, today’s average gun score (all classes combined) of 49.2 is the highest of the 2024 series.

What does this mean?? Perhaps a combination of i) only the best of us dare to venture to Buxted and/or ii) perhaps you’re all just getting the hang of this HFT game.

I’d like to think it’s the latter. Which is, after all, one of the primary objectives of SIHFT, encouraging more of us/you to get out and about and shoot somewhere other than your ‘home’ club. I know that this enhances your learning journey. So …. Well done to you all

Anyway …. Here are the results from today. If you’ve not previously seen (or forgotten) the table layout, perhaps the only column not obvious from its heading is the last one – the “T”. This denotes that this person’s score has been included in their club team.

Firstname Surname Club Class Score % Badge T(eam)
Darryle Bundock Oaks O 58 100.0% G(old) T
Roger Dibbens Oaks O 58 100.0% G T
Mike Burgess Oaks V 57 98.3% G T
Kevin Hills Buxted O 57 98.3% G T
Charles Peal Oaks O 57 98.3% G T
Paul Blaxall Meon Valley V 56 96.6% G T
Mark Rackley Oaks V 56 96.6% G T
Steve Britland Horsham O 55 94.8% G T
Aaron Friend Oaks O 55 94.8% G
Howard Kalisch Buxted O 55 94.8% G T
Simon Vant Oaks O 55 94.8% G
Dax Browning Meon Valley O 54 93.1% G T
Steven Avey Oaks O 53 91.4% S(ilver)
Kevin Wickson Buxted O 53 91.4% S T
Zac Baker Bisley O 52 89.7% S
Jon Newton-May Buxted O 52 89.7% S T
Stefan Avey Oaks O 51 87.9% S
Paul Bradford Buxted V 51 87.9% G
Paul Charman (.22) Buxted .22 51 87.9% G T
Graeme Cargan Oaks O 50 86.2% S
Matthew Franks Oaks O 50 86.2% S
Martin Nicholls Buxted Sticks 50 86.2% G
Jason Perrine Oaks O 50 86.2% S
Glen Turner Ford O 50 86.2% S T
Richard Wheeler Ford O 50 86.2% S T
Adrian Wright Meon Valley O 50 86.2% S T
Alicia Franks Oaks L 48 82.8% S
David Henderson Meon Valley V 48 82.8% S T
Alan Renwick Meon Valley Sticks 48 82.8% S T
Steve Saunter Buxted Sticks 48 82.8% S
David Wheeler Ford O 48 82.8% B(ronze) T
Barry Johnson Buxted O 47 81.0% B
Steb Martinez Ford O 47 81.0% B T
Justin Roberts Ford O 47 81.0% B T
Charlie Grey Ford R 46 79.3% S
Sean Heath Meon Valley O 46 79.3% B
Barry Wade Buxted V 46 79.3% S
Louise Gray Buxted L 45 77.6% S
Michael Myszyn Buxted Sticks 45 77.6% S
Richard Wickenden Ford O 45 77.6% B
Chris Allen Buxted O 44 75.9% B
Trevor Hudson Meon Valley Sticks 43 74.1% B
Pat Fitzgerald Ford R 42 72.4% B
Derek Watson Horsham R 42 72.4% B T
Hugborg Hudson Meon Valley L 41 70.7% B
Dave Wade HRPC O 41 70.7%
David Wilshaw Meon Valley R 41 70.7% B
Richard Chase Ford R 38 65.5% B
Martin Cook Buxted R 37 63.8%

SIHFT Platinum badges were on the cards, with another 2 people sitting on 4 Golds after Round 6. I’m delighted to say that both ‘made it’, so today’s new SIHFT 2024 Platinum badges were taken away by
• Aaron Friend and
• Paul Charman

And as we look ahead to the final round of SIHFT 2024, there are just 2 more of our competitors who could earn their Platinum if they rock up and win a Gold in Round 8.
• Simon Vant and
• Kev Hills

In the club teams event, all but Horsham had at least the full complement of 5 members. In fact, Ford properly outdid themselves today, turning up in numbers not seen for many a year and resulting in a team 2024 PB by no fewer than 10 points. For Horsham’s duette, 3 cards were drawn at random – discounting any which score had already contributed to their own club team. So the final team results were :

Club Round 7 scores Round 7 points Total points
Mile Oak 286 12 82
Buxted 268 11 78
Meon Valley 256 10 70
Horsham 241 8 61
Ford 242 9 60

Today’s draw winners were:
  • Bonus Bunny £49 – Richard Chase
  • Air Arms Goody Bag – Martin Nicholls.

Apologies to Martin as today’s goody bag was a virtual one. Sadly, being an ol’ so-n-so, I only recalled failing to pack it when I was too close to Buxted this morning. It will be all yours either at Meon on Sunday fortnight or at the end-of-year event.

Can you spot any errors in this post? Have I spelt your name correctly? Do I have you down for the correct club/class? – please message me directly if not.

The cumulative individual league table, in class order will be updated shortly(ish).

SIHFT Round 8 will be hosted by Meon Valley on Sunday 29th September.

Between now and then ….. Nothing whatsoever on my calendar apart from HFT Pistol (9:00 start) and HFT Open Sights (10:00 start) comps at Mile Oak on Saturday the 21st September.
