Yes, I also dislike these shorter days. But at least we're heading the right way now.....We finish at 4.00 on a Sunday and I managed to get home yesterday evening before it went properly dark.

It's not so much the "me driving in the dark" per se, more the oncoming traffic dazzling you....those LED lights nowadays seem so much brighter and many vehicles seem to have poorly adjusted lights. And dark AND wet really does my head in!
On a much more pleasant note.....I managed to spend a tiny bit of prep time on the 35 today. I had previously hand filed the tip of the latch down. Gave it a try in the cylinder (no latch spring at this point) and, although there is still a bit of vertical movement, it is much reduced. A tiny bit more filing later on Thursday should sort.
Looked at the TP earlier. Although I haven't measured it, the diameter appears to be closer to 3 than 4mm. So I'm going to stick with the parachute seal on this one and use the new seal that Tinners sent me. The leather piston I bought from Mark can go in my older one, which definitely has the larger TP.
Removed the breech seal. It was a hardened, crumbling mess. Guessing that this alone will have accounted for the low power and harsh manners when I tried it pre-stripping. I've got a new one here to go in.
I really hope grinding that cocking lever does the trick. I know I could get a new, later type one, as I fitted to the old knackerbag a few months ago. But if I can get away without the extra spend, that'll be a bonus.
35mm to come off the spring. That will leave me with the threaded section of the end block plus a couple of mm for preload, which I think will be sufficient and give a nice, soft cycle.
Looking forward to completing the works and trying it out......