No 6yds is the distance, 5ft high as you ay & a 3/8th or 9.57 mm hole. I shoot weekly with the Lincolnshire league
Guys are there 2 types of bell target comps
I used to use my hw30 or hw77 with opens in the garage before it got converted. I had 6m and thought this was the rule. 6m back 5ft up.
At one of the shows it was much further than 6m
No 6yds is the distance, 5ft high as you ay & a 3/8th or 9.57 mm hole. I shoot weekly with the Lincolnshire league
Some leagues are 6 yards, some 7 yards.
At a show they possibly had to set targets a minimum distance for insurance?
Historically 6yds. But as has been said some places used 7yds; these were usually where the tgt was at the end of a skittle alley which was 7yds. Confirm hole is 3/8" dia; then 1" dia for 4 ring; 2"dia for 3 ring; 3" dia for 2 ring. Plate 5" dia; there was no 1; so you go from 2 to 0. Height of hole centre 5 feet from ground.
Hope this helps.
Depends where you shoot the Bridgend and District shoot over 7 yards.
and have done since 1907
On a very light hearted note. Back in the 70's and 80's I belonged to a group of top shooters who regularly travelled the length and width of the country shooting all sorts of assorted comps. We did a Bridgend Open comp. Our first visit to there, and received some usual comments like '' oh it's the Wolverhampton lot, that's us out''. So we shot, everyone recording grand scores of 4s end to end. After the shoot and our utter disgrace, we sat chatting to Bridgend shooters. One of our guys said ''your bull size is smaller than ours isn't it''.?? The answer of course was ''no'' it's 3/8". His reply was '' can't be, I shoot full black, but I got white on your target. At which point it was said '' yes but you shoot at 6 yds, we shoot at 7 yards''.
The response you can well imagine, total disbelief and lots of laughter. Followed by the question how did you get 7 yds??. The answer was its 6 sheep nose to tail !!
It was many years ago but indelibly fixated in my memory. Not urban myth totally true.
That's the utter total essence of Bell Target.
Joined the Bedworth District Air Rifle league in August this year, bought my first gun 2 weeks AA s400 classic, we shoot 6yrds however I have been told about the Welsh League shooting at 7yrds as a well, I wasn't aware of the height settings, I would be grateful of any pointers from any of the shooters in this group.
East coast i live near Mablethorpe Lincolnshire 6 yards but power is not limited to 6fpe as some are
I went shooting with Walton Lions the other evening. Great fun, very welcoming, free food and low cost beer. I think we were shooting at 6 yards, five foot high.
We shoot bell targets at the Chaddesden Jubilee Club, Chaddesden, Derby on a Wednesday evening 7-9 pm and Saturday lunchtime 12-2pm. It’s very enjoyable and competitive. New members and guests are always welcome.
We have some bell targets that were made for us many years ago by RedRob (they are still going strong!) and we position these at the end of the 10 meter range so we can shoot bell target as a change from paper-punching.......and it is a very popular alternative - both for air rifle and air pistol!
Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.